2010 October

Book review: The Periodic Table in Homeopathy by Ulrich Welte

by Deborah Collins

In 1996, Jan Scholten published his ground-breaking book “Homeopathy and the Elements”, translating the periodic table of the elements in such a way that every element and every compound could be utilised in homeopathic practice. This discovery has changed the world of homeopathy and its possibilities for cure. Gradually, homeopaths from every continent have put these insights into practice, with varying degrees of success. Those who have persevered, despite the inevitable difficulties inherent in a new method, have come to hail Scholten’s work as an enormous advance in medicine for, indeed, illnesses which could not previously be treated were becoming treatable. Some have cast his work aside in derision, claiming that it is not possible to know the effects of a remedy without thorough proving, while others have recognised the possibilities but have found it too difficult to apply in practice.

After fourteen years of putting these concepts into daily practice, testing them for their validity and their usefulness, Ulrich Welte has written a much- needed and welcomed book: “The Periodic Table in Homeopathy, the Silver Series.” Through close contact with Jan Scholten and through his own meticulous approach and intuitive insights, Ulrich Welte has made the system his own, applying it with confidence and flair. What was previously the initial map of a new territory has taken on more detail and contour, and the inhabitants of this land more familiar features. 
The book opens with a refreshing recapitulation of general ideas, giving an oversight of the periodic table and its use in homeopathy. It then focuses on the Silver series, illustrating each element with up to four cases. Through a thorough explanation of the developmental stages, following the rise and fall of the Gausse curve as it is inherent in nature, one learns to extrapolate this series to the whole of the periodic table. This differentiation method can also be applied to the plant kingdom and will prove to be invaluable for finding many hitherto under-utilised remedies, as Jan Scholten’s map of the plant kingdom comes into use. It is in the extensive differentiation between the various stages that this book shines, for this has often been a stumbling block for those using Scholten’s method; a whole chapter is devoted entirely to this topic, giving countless examples of the subtle nuances between stages, and another chapter deals with the differentiation between the series. When using remedies which have incomplete provings or none at all, we are dependent on our ability to discern one state from another by other means of analysis: behaviour patterns, career choices, that which triggers illness or problems, and other personal characteristics. Welte leads us in a masterly way through the process of differentiation, starting with the initial impression (confident or not? trusting? impulsive? conservative?) and then fine-tuning the two or three selected remedies. The situations of the remedies are brought to life through vivid descriptions, as in Indium: “The younger guys are thronging behind you: nowadays, they know their way around better and are already calling the shots. You must cut back, partially withdraw, and restrict yourself to the tried and proven.” Having the patients read these pictures can become part of the consultation process, as they recognise themselves in one remedy or the other. Other tools, such as colour preference and hand-writing analysis, as well as a study of facial features and body build, serve to confirm the remedy choice. Ulrich Welte makes use of all available information to find a remedy, from the more traditional proving material to the newer insights. As he says “it is like two sides of one coin, why not use both.”
The cases are clear illustrations of the remedies and are convincing in their extensive follow-ups. The book is completed by a history of the development of the periodic table and by easy-to-use charts and oversights. The layout and cover-design are attractive. The patients’ words are appropriately left in their colloquial form, which makes it very lively, and here comes my only (minor)criticism: a more formal written style in the text itself would have, perhaps, been more appropriate and have better suited the rigorous approach of this book. Those who are reluctant to apply the element theory in their practice, as well as those who already use it, will have much to gain from the grounded philosophy and expertise of this book.

The Periodic Table in Homeopathy by Ulrich Welte
Narayana Publishers, 2010
340 pages, €33

Categories: Reviews
Keywords: Periodic table, Silver series


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Posts: 8
Periodic table of elements in Homeopathy
Reply #1 on : Tue October 05, 2010, 04:02:15
Dear colleague,
All new approaches on Homeopathy are certainly welcome by medical homeopathic communities worldwide.
Your medical book is remarkable in regard to such new medical approaches and in the upcoming times of the 21st century, it will be consecrated by homeopathic practionners worldwide.


Best regards,
Prof.Paulo de Lacerda,MD,PhD
Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 05:53:10 by *