2010 May

Jan's column: tribute to Tinus Smits

by Jan Scholten




 On April the first, Tinus Smits passed away and it is a great loss for homeopathy. Tinus has been promoting homeopathy for more than 20 years, with great endeavor and persistency. He has helped to develop homeopathy in Nepal. He is a great homeopath.

Some homeopaths question his contribution to homeopathy. He has developed his system to overcome the negative effects of vaccinations and has had great success with it, for instance in autism. Sometimes, one can hear that this technique is not true homeopathy but isopathy. His results, however, were very good, even spectacular sometimes. So, he is a great homeopath.

Tinus also used vitamins and minerals in his treatment. One can say that this is not homeopathy but he used it as an addition to his homeopathic treatment. He was very convinced that this addition would lead to better results. I think we can be grateful for his experiences and his willingness to share them with us and for us to see what we can learn from them and how we can apply his ideas in our own practices. Many of his patients are very grateful for what he did for them and their children. He is, indeed, a great homeopath.




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Posts: 9
Reply #6 on : Thu February 13, 2014, 17:26:41
but why would ahomeopath so good die early or cancer? why didn't remedies help him?

Posts: 9
Reply #5 on : Sun May 23, 2010, 20:28:46
simply great person that he introduced so many new things in this world, its so great to read his way of practicing.

Posts: 9
Inspired by Tinus Smits
Reply #4 on : Fri May 07, 2010, 20:57:50
I for one as beginner Homeopath and one that discovered work of Tinus Smits recently am literally inspired by his Universal Layers. I have been treating when appropriate patients that are re-birthing/manifesting on the planet when they have exhausted their individual rx and need to go further to come out healed at the other end. It is a sad loss, the passing of Tinus, but his dedication and love of humanity will be present in his words/publications and actions for a long time to come. Thank you Jan Scholten for the tribute to this great Homeopath and human.

Posts: 9
tribute to T.Smits
Reply #3 on : Tue May 04, 2010, 11:21:34
Thank you, Tinus Smits for the openmindedness.
When vitamins improve the homeopathic results and
the remedy was the right one - why not use some
other ways to improve the well-being?

Posts: 9
Reply #2 on : Tue May 04, 2010, 02:51:39
Yes, my patients, from those little children to adults (even in their 50’s), have greatly benefitted from Tinus Smits’ work in reducing the negative effects of vaccination. Antidote the bad effects of vaccination may well be isopathy but the principle of using potentised remedies is certainly within the bounds of Homoeopathy. Otherwise, our pharmacy would be much poorer without the nosodes. My experiences are that many children’s health issues are resolved once their vaccinations were antidoted. The given potentised vaccinations tend to neutralise the energetic imprints of the poisonous substances that carry the vaccines.
From Tinus Smits’ work, I applied the same principle to many of my patients who have ingested a plethora of drugs (e.g. Ecstasy, Marihuana, etc.) to clear-up the negative effects of these so enable the constitutionally selected remedies to work more effectively.
How interesting that we are still caught by the “flat Earth” belief system. This is perhaps one of the reasons for the marginalisation of Homoeopathy. One’s limiting and self-negating belief system is the box that limits human potential. To my thinking and understanding, Tinus Smits has made great contribution to Homoeopathy, as he has taken us out of the limiting belief and applied the homoeopathic principle of potentised remedies to benefit many people worldwide who were damaged by the practice of vaccinations.
Human beings are infinite in our creative potential, if we keep an open mind to behold the wonder of endless possibilities.

Posts: 9
Reply #1 on : Mon May 03, 2010, 11:58:42
I never knew Tinus personally but I very much appreciate his writings and the work he has left especially his pictures of the nine 'universal remedies' and the idea behind them. This can be read on his website and I recommend doing so.