Archives par catégories
2006 Janvier
- Students, Is Scholten's Element Theory the Way of Future Homoeopathy? An Address to __
- Mercurialis Perennis, Keeping up an ideal picture, at the cost of emotional and physical withering
- Borax, two children with socially evasive behaviour
- Cuprum nitricum and the art of letting go
- Falling Poppies
- Hekla lava
- Hydrogenium
- Kalium phosphoricum
- Cadmium sulphuricum, I feel powerless
- Rosa damascena,_The rose
- Tussilago petasites, _A case of
- Individuation with the Carbonseries
- The importance of pre-accidental symptoms in life-threatening situations
2006 Février
- Thymolum
- Trillium Pendulum, Am I Pure or Am I Not
- Magnesium Fluoratum, Tilia Europaea and Scandium, _A case of
- Magnesium carbonicum and Sepia,_A case of
- Constitutional remedy or constitutional treatment?
- Hippomanes, _A case of
- Lac maternum, Sweet, sweet Mother's Milk
- Editorial February 2006
2006 Mars
- Aconit, Natrium sulphuricum, Fuzzy Impressions, Two Cases
- Lithium phosphoricum, Addiction Case Three, Addiction to Cocaine, XTC, Cannabis, Speed and Alcohol
- Lac caninum, Addiction Case Two, Addiction to Amphetamine, Cocaïne, Ecstasy, Alcohol and Cannabis
- Cannabis indica, Addiction Case One
- Addictions, _The Homeopathic Treatment of ..
- Lanthanum phosphoricum_A Case of
- Hippozaeninum _A Case of
- Diospyros kaki, The World Tree
- Surviving with help of Diospyros kaki Creveld, The World Tree
- Diospyros kaki, Homeopathy and the New War Trauma Remedy
- Abies Canadensis_ A Case of Frequent Urination
2006 Avril
- Argentum nitricum, Addiction Case 6
- Cannabis, Addiction Case 5
- Baryta sulphuricum, Addiction Case 4, alcoholic
- Kali Chloricum and the Mad Hatter
- Thulium fluoratum case
- Buteo jamaicensis case
- Ytterbium oxydatum case
- Erbium oxydatum case
- Berlin wall, cases
- Berlin Wall
- Editorial April 2006
2006 Mai
- Abelmoschus
- Raphanus
- Terbium Nitricum
- Cerium Oxydatum
- Dysprosium phosphoricum case
- Ferrum phosphoricum, Addiction case 7, alcoholic
- Scrophularia nodosa, Asthma case treated with
- Secret Lanthanides
- Editorial May/June 2006
2006 Juillet
- Naphtalinum, Impetigo infectiosa ... think of Naphtalinum in a case of
- Theridion: Oversensitivity-to-noise
- Samarium muriaticum: A case of a woman with menopausal problems
- Terbium metallicum
- Lanthanum Phosphoricum
- Thulium Phosphoricum
- How to memorize a case
- Diagnosis Yellow-flower
- Editorial July 2006
2006 Août
- Cadmium sulfuratum, Bell's Palsy Treated with
- Cerium carbonicum
- Naphtalinum/2
- Bowel Nosodes, My clinical experiences
- Bowel nosodes: A group of neglected remedies
- Hummingbird for ADHD
- Calypte Anna: Hummingbird
- Suicide, Guilt and Bismuthum
- Editorial August 2006
2006 Septembre
- Suicidal husband, Bismuthum sulphuricum
- Manganum, Samarium oxydatum case
- Naphtalinum, case 3
- Scientific research in homeopathy: to Prove or to Improve
- Cancer and Homeopathy
- Editorial September 2006
2006 Octobre
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 6
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 5
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 4
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 3
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 2
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 1
- Hydrocyanic Acid and the Holocaust - A Different point of View
- Gelsemium, Encephalitis cured with
- Silicea, Myristica seb. Cantharis,Thuja occ., Carcin., A case of anal fistula
- Pulsatilla, An example of leucorrhea treated with
- Conium, Case of menorrhagia, treated with
- a Brief history of Gynecology / Obstetrics
- Bismuthum muriaticum, Threatened suicide of mother
- Homeopathy as Information Science
- Editorial October 2006
2006 Novembre
- Macaw/Psittacus information
- Macaw, a bright bird
- Trauma treatment examples
- Birth and the carbon series
- Graphitis, Carbo veg. Boron, Post mature elderly Multigravida
- Argentum nitricum, Full of gas
- Calcarea carbonicum, Primigravida with threatening early labor
- Editorial November 2006
2006 Décembre
- Manganum Phosphoricum 68 old female with aplastic anemia
- Apis, Sometimes a Bee is a Bee
- Lac Dolphinum family secrets
- Lac Leoninum with eczema and sibbling rivalry
- Lac Suillinum: a case of west syndrom and tetraplegia
- Homeopathy is a miracle and a science, measurable and imponderable
- Editorial December '06
2007 Janvier
- Gallium - Metals in pediatric daily practice
- Helleborus and Homelessness
- Factors to increase the risk of Autism
- Cuprum, Simple case of Autism
- Resonance and pain
- Provings_Theory of
- Melaleuca lanceolata proving
- Editorial January 2007
2007 Février
- Homeopathy is life giving
- Lac Equinum for Anxiety and depression
- Lac Defloratum; I do not care to live
- Gelsemium; Very high fever in Hospital
- Iridium metals in pediatry
- Yttrium metals in pediatry
- Editorial February 2007
2007 Mars
- Mobile phone
- Fabiana-Pseudotsuga; 'I want to be great'
- Samarium carbonicum; Chest pains, Migraines, Chronic fatigue syndrom
- Mental illnesses
- Natrium carbonicum in Warts
- Nightwatching, a Renewed View of Lost Homeopathic Vocabulary
- Editorial March 2007
2007 Avril
- On the Study of Homeopathic Materia Medica
- Titanium carbonicum: fear of criticism and failure
- Murex 'I want to be beautiful'
- Themes of Datura arborea/ Solanaceae
- Datura arborea/ Paranoid jealousy
- Editorial April 2007
- Tuberculinum in 'Need for Freedom'
2007 Mai
- Homeopathy, exploring the bounderies
- Paeonia in nightmares and abdominal complaints
- Paeonia in fistula ani etc
- Paeonia in a case of periarteritis nodosa
- Paeonia officinalis picture/ Materia Medica
- Tilia Europaea in HNP
- Elaps in HNP
- Editorial May '07
2007 Juin
- Homeopathy, Dogmatism and Healing
- Testing and producing remedies / kinesiology
- Actinide-series /Uranium arsenicum case
- Actinides /The hidden camera and the broken mirror
- Argentum Phosphoricum/ Panic attacks
- Actea Spicata in chronic sinusitis, sleeping problems a.o
- Agathis Australis /Kauri in Panic
- Editorial June 2007
2007 Juillet
- Introduction for CVA approach
- Nightshades, discussion
- Stramonium, a case of PTSD
- Saccharum-album_David's Case
- Eating disorders_The empty addict;
- Editorial July 2007
2007 Août
- Sulphate or Sulphide in 'a partner or not?' etc.
- Secale cornutum /Repudiated if dressed indecently
- Opium and Bothrops in CVA
- Arnica + Natrium sulphuricum in CVA-case
- Editorial August 2007
2007 Septembre
- Anacardium occidentalis in bursitis
- Lachesis for a young psychotic boy
- Kreosote in chronic urticaria
- Automutilation _A case of
- Editorial September 2007
2007 Octobre
- Provings_Theory of /2
- Armadillium Vulgare in an 'Asperger-girl'
- Ptelea in a case with depression and headaches
- First Chakra case examples
- Potencies and Chakra's
- Cactaceae versus Falcon; New and Old approach in Homeopathy
- Editorial october 2007
2007 Novembre
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -1-
- Second - chakra case examples
- Majeptil case
- Lachesis: write & deliver a sermon ...
- Squilla Maritima
- Editorial November 2007
2007 Décembre
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -2-
- Third chakra cases
- Hafnium in Sleeplessness
- Rhodium Muriaticum Fear of failure in creating a baby
- Strontium muriaticum and Adrenalin for Stressful menopause
- Germanium in Migraine
- Editorial December '07
2008 Janvier
- Pfeiffer proving
- Malaria nosode for Nightmares
- Successive remedies in Chronic Eczema
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -3-
- Fourth Chakra Potency
- Periodic Table, The 18 Stages of the
- Periodic Table, The 7 Series of the
- Group analysis
- Editorial January 2008
2008 Février
- 5th Chakra Potency
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -4- Syphilitic Miasm -
- Chromicum acidum case
- Chromicum Acidum
- Ericaceae
- Original Trade Mark: Antimonium crudum
- Editorial February 2008
2008 Mars
- 6th Chakra potency
- Homeopathy and the Integration of feelings -5-
- Staphysagria in Lost Childhood Case
- Disease as creative expression of the Soul
- Absinthium in Migraine headaches
- Plumbum_The mask, a case of
- Ficus Religiosa as growth hormone
- Editorial March 2008
2008 Avril
- 7th Chakra potencies
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -6-
- Differentiation of Rubrics of Mind
- Rhodium Metallicum Proving
- Aconitum case 4
- Aconitum case 3
- Aconitum case 2
- Aconitum case 1
- Aconitum Napellus - for acute illness or is it deeper?
- Editorial April 2008
2008 Mai
- Samarium metallicum proving
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -7-
- Absinthium in a case of schizophrenia
- Kalium ferrocyanatum in 3 cases of severe climacteric metrorrhagia
- Hydrocyanicum Acid -2-
- Hydrocyanicum Acidum and the Purple Death -1-
- Editorial May 2008
2008 Juin
- Homeopathy and the Integration of feelings -8-
- Zincum met./ Arsenicum alb. in a Hydrocephalus- case
- Neodymium carbonicum: To represent her total self
- Cerium oxydatum: Cocoon
- Lanthanum carbonicum in a case of obesity
- Erbium Sulfuricum: The 'tourist'
- Editorial June 2008
2008 Juillet
- Tyranny of Ignorance - The Insidious Sickness of Humanity
- Dysprosium metallicum: problems with sugar
- Rheum, a demanding child
- Magnesium sulphuricum; a chameleon in love
- Lanthanum phosphoricum; How to keep autonomy when you need help
- Holmium muriaticum in a case of nephrotic syndrome
- Editorial July & August 2008
2008 Septembre
- Dogmatism in homeopathy
- Interview with Jan Scholten / Dr.Pawan.S.Chandak interviewer
- Larus Argentatus for RSI
- Graphites in a pregnant woman
- Samarium sulphuricum and rheumatoid arthritis
- Terbium sulphuricum case
- Editorial September 2008
2008 Octobre
- Agave tequilana in arthritis
- Magnesium muriaticum oxydatum_Case 3
- Magnesium carbonicum oxydatum_Case 2
- Magnesium carbonicum muriaticum_Case 1:
- Element theory revisited: introduction to the case studies
- Element theory revisited
- Editorial October 2008
2008 Novembre
- Xenon and anesthesia
- Neodymium bromatum: I was not a bad child
- Neodymium phosphoricum: I armored myself since the death of loved ones
- Olea europea
- Ophiophagus hannah: Birds versus snakes
- Editorial November 2008
2008 Décembre
- Lanthanum phosphoricum - short case
- Molybdenum metallicum and Bromum_A case of
- Diospyros kaki: Surviving Radiation
- Technetium metallicum_A case of
- Musca domestica_A case of
- Editorial December 2008
2009 Janvier
- Turdula merula in a case of fibromyalgia
- Bismuthum muriaticum: Parkinson patient wanting to die
- Vanadium muriaticum: What path shall I follow?
- Natrium Phosphoricum in lung-fibrosis
- Rubidium carbonicum_A case of
- Niobium metallicum_A case of
- Editorial January 2009
2009 Février
- X-ray, an article on
- Magnetis poli arcticus: a short case
- Ummidia, the trapdoor spider
- Calcium fluoratum in abdominal migraines
- Cobaltum nitricum_A case of
- Niobium metallicum_A case of
- Editorial February 2009
2009 Mars
- Chemical Algebra: Enjoying the fruits (and salts) of Jan Scholten's invention: 1/4
- Heteractis malu; The Sea Anemone: Exposed and vulnerable, must protect by withdrawal inward
- Technetium Muriaticum - An Integration of Light and Dark
- Cadmium phosphoricum in glandular fever
- Olibanum tree /as mediators
- Manganum iodatum_A case of
- Editorial March 2009
2009 Avril
- Chemical Algebra: part two
- Cerium phosphoricum in Crohn's disease
- Belladonna in labour
- Ferrum iodatum in stress
- Tungsten metallicum_A case of
- The future of homeopathy , homeopathy for Epidemics, collective trauma and endemic diseases
- Editorial April 2009
2009 Mai
- Chemical Algebra: part three
- Angelica Archangelica, a story of
- Calcium nitricum - short case
- Praseodymium bromatum in fibromyalgia
- Magnesium Fluoratum case: the magic bullet
- The future of homeopathy / part 2
- Editorial May 2009
2009 Juin
- Chemical Algebra: part four
- Gyps Hymalayensis (Vulture family) for 'extreme emotions'
- Bismuthum and suicide /+ two cases
- Rhodium sulphuricum in allergies + irritable cough
- Parotidinum in acne rosacea
- The future of homeopathy / part 3
- Editorial June 2009
2009 Juillet
- The element theory and implicate archetypal order
- Angelica Archangelica in Alopecia areata
- Beryllium metallicum /woman with COPD
- Bismuthum /5 more cases
- Editorial July 2009
2009 Septembre
- Causticum mystery
- Sorbus domesticus/ Lecitinum/ Aristolochia clematis in a one case
- Vulvar vestibulitis and the Labiata family
- Hydrophis Cyanocinctus / a picture of overcompensation
- Ginkgo Biloba / a compulsive obsessive disorder case
- Editorial September 2009
2009 Octobre
- Trituration Proving of the Light of Saturn
- Carbon, the feeling of
- Remedy Pictures, Development of
- Latrodectus Mactans case
- Thulium iodatum
- Editorial October 2009
2009 Novembre
- C.Q. Curability Quotient
- Jupiter rays, Preliminary presentation of proving results
- Helleborus for a boy with sexual guilt
- Baryta phosphorica
- Cuprum oxydatum/Smothered in Love
- Editorial November 2009
2009 Décembre
- Erbium Metallicum, a stoic person
- Silicium carbonatum for coxarthrosis and hypertension
- Lanthanum phosphoricum in a PDD-nos case
- Cerium carbonicum in a PDD-nos case
- Lanthanides in PDD-NOS
- Treatment of swineflu
- Holmium Carbonicum Case
- Editorial December 2009
2010 Février
- Editorial
- Difficulties reading and writing in a boy with an IQ of 140: Europium Carbonicum
- Blaze, a 16 year old thoroughbred gelding
- A girl with complaints after mononucleosis
- A girl with mononucleosis
- A boy with post-mononucleosis depression
- Jan's column: the banks and the economic crisis
2010 Mars
- Editorial
- Mantis religiosa - Cosmic transformer
- A case of Ruthenium
- Attacked by ghosts
- Brie, miniature horse, 6 years old
- Some thoughts on Carbo vegetabilis: two cases
- Jan's column: theorising?!
2010 Avril
- Editorial
- Myrrha, the precious gift for the softening of suffering; four cases
- The Family of Calcium carbonicum - Limestone and Marble
- Conium maculatum
- Jemma, Springer Spaniel with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- Jan's column: homeopathy under attack
2010 Mai
- Editorial
- Lilac beauty (Apeira Syringaria): case and proving
- Beryllium nitricum for social phobia
- Brachyglottis repens in children; six cases solved with the aid of colour preference
- Brachyglottis repens
- Brachyglottis repens: three cases
- Jan's column: tribute to Tinus Smits
2010 Juin
- Hydrogen: a sixty four year old man with convulsions
- Conium Maculatum: a case of severe chronic photophobia in a six year old girl
- Ignatia for Deliverance from an In Utero State of Shock (or a Re-birthing into the World)
- Leucoderma: a melanin's intimidation
2010 Juillet/Août
- Editorial: bienvenue sur Interhomeopathy, version française
- Reflux massif avec malaises graves chez un nourrisson
- Rupert; hongre demi-sang de huit ans
- Lac humanum - Lac maternum
- Jouer en sécurité – un cas de Lac Delphinum
- Un cas de Lac Lupinum
- La rubrique de Jan: fusillades dans les écoles
2010 Septembre
- Editorial: l'histoire sans fin de Placebo
- La famille des Fabaceae: introduction
- Phaseolus vulgaris: fatiguée et en colère
- Phaseolus vulgaris: partout et nulle part
- Gymnocladus canadensis: trop fatiguée pour supporter sa tête
- Gymnocladus canadensis: la vie n'est pas fun
- Melilotus et Indigo: deux cas rapides
- La rubrique de Jan: Professeur de Médecine Complémentaire?
2010 Octobre
- Editorial: Actinides - premier acte
- Torako Yui: le miraculeux succès de l'homéopathie au Japon; 1ere partie
- Neptunium nitricum: un vieux sage précoce
- Plutonium nitricum: j'avais une idée avec de l'acide chlorydrique et du zinc de faire une bombe
- Uranium nitricum et leucémie lymphoïde chronique
- Uraninitum et Uranium nitricum pour une sphèrocytose héréditaire
- Uranium et Iodum: une petite philosophe de neuf ans
2010 Novembre
- Editorial: deuxième acte
- Torako Yui: le miracle en action
- Les Actinides: le défi final
- Plutonium nitricum: il a perdu sa lumière intérieure
- Californium nitricum: j'ai la sensation d'être comme une bombe à fragmentation
- Thorium metallicum: un magicien souffrant d'insuffisance rénale
- La rubrique de Jan: Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique
2010 Décembre
- Editorial: les traitements homéopathiques du cancer
- Destruction à tous les niveaux: cheminer avec le cancer
- Calcarea arsenicosa dans le traitement de glioblastome multiforme
- Calcarea muriatica: leucémie à tricholeucocytes
- Natrium silicatum: l'effondrement des relations affectives
2011 Janvier
- Editorial: la famille des Papaveraceae
- Opium: un cas d'arthrite réactive
- Opium: à bout de souffle et peur de tomber après un accident
- Sanguinaria: le frère qui accueille à la porte de l'église
- Fuir la douleur: sept cas cliniques d'Opium
- Panorama: réalité ou fiction?
- Du côté de chez Jan: l'homéopathie traite le malade, pas la maladie?
2011 Février
- Editorial: les pierres précieuses - fleurs du monde des ténèbres
- Introduction: la famille des pierres précieuses
- Au-delà de ses limites; un cas d'Améthyste
- Leçon de pierres; un cas d'Améthyste
- Le pays du "non": un cas de Topaze impériale
- Au plus profond de soi; un cas de Perle
2011 Mars
- Editorial: temps tumultueux
- Introduction à la famille des Lamiacées
- Facilement excitée: Collinsonia canadensis
- Mon coeur bat la chamade: Lycopus virginicus
- Au nom de la grand-mère: Rosmarinus
- J’ai l’impression d’être un robot: Teucrium marum
- Jamais reconnu: Thymolum
2011 Avril
- Editorial: Homéopathie pour les animaux – placebo?
- Arran, le chien-oiseau
- Kashmir, un exemple de problème apparemment physique
- Un chien guide d’aveugle avec des problèmes de comportement
- Meg, la chienne "alpha" au sang d'encre
- Noël avec Beanie, un cas d’ostéosarcome
2011 Mai
- Editorial: traiter le plus pauvres parmi les pauvres
- Lettre d'Afrique
- Une journée au dispensaire
- Trois cas de VIH/SIDA: Felician, Esther et Mary
- Homéopathie aux Philippines
2011 Juin
- Editorial: l'homéopathie en première ligne
- Haïti: épidémie de choléra
- Indonésie: foi et petites pilules blanches
- Népal: le centre homéopathique de Bhaktapur
- Népal: douleurs abdominales aigües et diarrhée du voyageur
2011 Juillet/Août
- Editorial: feu d'artifice
- L'homéopathie en pratique quotidienne d'un pédiatre
- Troubles neuropsychiatriques au sevrage d'une poly-toxicomanie, SIDA déclaré et cirrhose du foie
- Je cogite tout le temps: un cas d'Ocinum canum
- Une bête traquée: un cas de Lac lupinum
- Une cacophonie au niveau des oreilles
- Signes du zodiaque et remèdes homéopathiques; le bélier et le lion
- L'approche homéopathique de Hahnemann en psychiatrie
2011 Septembre
- Editorial: la beauté intérieure des Lanthanides
- Lanthanides: les homéopathes comme patients
- Neodymium sulphuricum en 10 cas
- Terbium metallicum: eczéma psoriasiforme et acouphènes
- Europium oxydatum: rectocolite hémorragique
- Cerium carbonicum: purpura idiopathique
- Lanthanum oxydatum: une affaire de chromosomes
2011 Octobre
2011 Novembre
- Editorial: au revoir Patricia
- Hommage à Patricia Ricard Le Roux
- A la mémoire de Patricia
- In memoriam
- Célébration en l'hommage de Patricia Le Roux
2011 Décembre
- Editorial: réflexions de fin d'année
- Les éléments de la vie: la série Carbone
- Mille façons de souffrir l'Amour; à travers la psore de quelques remèdes en pédiatrie
- Holmium carbonicum : la nostalgie de l'amour
- Un astrologue chez les homéopathes: le scorpion et le verseau
- Allium cepa: vocation pompier
- Revue: Profils d'enfants de Frans Kusse
2012 Avril
- Éditorial: Printemps
- Abrotanum: un eczéma du nourrisson
- Androctonus: la violence comme seule solution
- Mordu au doigt par un oiseau en or
- Lucie et les momies ou les TOCS de Lucie
- Sous les parures de la princesse; un cas de Lycopodium
- Expérimentation de la ratte d'égout: Rattus norvegicus
- Sous la tempête de neige se cache le simillimum
2012 Octobre
- Editorial: libre comme un oiseau
- Caractéristiques générales des remèdes d'oiseaux
- Matière Médicale d'Ara macao
- Sans mes couleurs, pas de vie; un cas d'Ara macao
- Matière Médicale de Bubo virginianus
- Drôles d'oiseaux: un cas de Bubo virginianus
- Matière Médicale de Columba palumbus
- J'ai peur qu'on m'attrape: un cas de Columba palumbus
- Matière Médicale d'Haliæetus leucocephalus
- Histoire d'Océane: un cas d'Haliæetus leucocephalus
- Matière Médicale de Falco peregrinus
- J’ai l’œil d'un rapace : un cas de Falco peregrinus disciplinatus
- Panorama: congrès, séminaires, livres
2012 Décembre
- Éditorial: la douceur des roses et les épines de l’amour
- Introduction à la famille des Rosaceae
- Roses: doux parfums, épines et cyanure
- Je suis tellement choquée que je ne peux plus respirer: un cas de Laurocerasus
- Amours secrètes: un cas de Sorbus domestica
- Un romantique rêveur: un cas de Rosa damascena
- Une épine dans l’œil: un cas de Prunus spinosa
- Panorama: livres, séminaires
2013 Avril
- Editorial: le monde des Insectes
- Une introduction au monde des Insectes
- Tousseur, vorace et exigeant: cas et MM de Coccus cacti
- Y'acarien faire!: cas et MM de Sarcoptes scabiei
- Une réserve inépuisable d'énergie: un cas de Cantharis
- Je danse pendant des heures: cas et MM de Limenitis bredowii
- Je ne peux pas le blairer: cas et MM de Musca domestica
- Des exigences impossibles à satisfaire: cas et MM de Gallic acid
- Panorama: livres et séminaires
2013 Septembre
- Editorial: accueillir la diversité
- Pleine de vie et de gaieté: un cas de Sabadilla
- Possédé par les démons: un cas de Mancinella
- En colère et violente: le cas d'une jeune fille destructrice
- Un vrai remède pour les traumatismes: deux cas de Buddleia davidii
- Les petites perturbations ne me touchent pas: un cas de Viola tricolor
- Panorama: séminaires et livres
2013 Décembre
- Editorial: les remèdes Matridonaux - les dons de la mère
- Petite histoire des remèdes Matridonaux: Incarnation - du Ciel à la Terre
- Oxytocinum dans la pratique: la recherche constante de l'amour maternel
- Communication et attachement: six cas d'Oxytocinum
- Rêve éveillé: un cas d'Oxytocinum
- Une étude de Placenta
- Ma vie est devenue terne et déconnectée: un cas de Cordon ombilical
- Tout me dépasse: trois cas de Vernix caseosa
- Panorama: les trésors de l'année 2013
2014 Avril
- Editorial: le monde merveilleux des plantes
- La Théorie des Plantes
- Colère et amertume: un cas de Tradescantia virginiana
- Sensible, doux et vulnérable: un cas de Nymphaea odorata
- Manque de sécurité et solitude: deux cas de Drimys winterii
- Mise sur la touche: un cas de Sarsaparilla
- Je m'en fais toute une montagne: un cas de Gnaphalium polycephalum
- Panorama: séminaires et livres
Voir aussi les articles en anglais sur
2006 January
- Students, Is Scholten's Element Theory the Way of Future Homoeopathy? An Address to __
- Mercurialis Perennis, Keeping up an ideal picture, at the cost of emotional and physical withering
- Borax, two children with socially evasive behaviour
- Cuprum nitricum and the art of letting go
- Falling Poppies
- Hekla lava
- Hydrogenium
- Kalium phosphoricum
- Cadmium sulphuricum, I feel powerless
- Rosa damascena,_The rose
- Tussilago petasites, _A case of
- Individuation with the Carbonseries
- The importance of pre-accidental symptoms in life-threatening situations
2006 February
- Thymolum
- Trillium Pendulum, Am I Pure or Am I Not
- Magnesium Fluoratum, Tilia Europaea and Scandium, _A case of
- Magnesium carbonicum and Sepia,_A case of
- Constitutional remedy or constitutional treatment?
- Hippomanes, _A case of
- Lac maternum, Sweet, sweet Mother's Milk
- Editorial February 2006
2006 March
- Aconit, Natrium sulphuricum, Fuzzy Impressions, Two Cases
- Lithium phosphoricum, Addiction Case Three, Addiction to Cocaine, XTC, Cannabis, Speed and Alcohol
- Lac caninum, Addiction Case Two, Addiction to Amphetamine, Cocaïne, Ecstasy, Alcohol and Cannabis
- Cannabis indica, Addiction Case One
- Addictions, _The Homeopathic Treatment of ..
- Lanthanum phosphoricum_A Case of
- Hippozaeninum _A Case of
- Diospyros kaki, The World Tree
- Surviving with help of Diospyros kaki Creveld, The World Tree
- Diospyros kaki, Homeopathy and the New War Trauma Remedy
- Abies Canadensis_ A Case of Frequent Urination
2006 April
- Argentum nitricum, Addiction Case 6
- Cannabis, Addiction Case 5
- Baryta sulphuricum, Addiction Case 4, alcoholic
- Kali Chloricum and the Mad Hatter
- Thulium fluoratum case
- Buteo jamaicensis case
- Ytterbium oxydatum case
- Erbium oxydatum case
- Berlin wall, cases
- Berlin Wall
- Editorial April 2006
2006 May
- Abelmoschus
- Raphanus
- Terbium Nitricum
- Cerium Oxydatum
- Dysprosium phosphoricum case
- Ferrum phosphoricum, Addiction case 7, alcoholic
- Scrophularia nodosa, Asthma case treated with
- Secret Lanthanides
- Editorial May/June 2006
2006 July
- Naphtalinum, Impetigo infectiosa ... think of Naphtalinum in a case of
- Theridion: Oversensitivity-to-noise
- Samarium muriaticum: A case of a woman with menopausal problems
- Terbium metallicum
- Lanthanum Phosphoricum
- Thulium Phosphoricum
- How to memorize a case
- Diagnosis Yellow-flower
- Editorial July 2006
2006 August
- Cadmium sulfuratum, Bell's Palsy Treated with
- Cerium carbonicum
- Naphtalinum/2
- Bowel Nosodes, My clinical experiences
- Bowel nosodes: A group of neglected remedies
- Hummingbird for ADHD
- Calypte Anna: Hummingbird
- Suicide, Guilt and Bismuthum
- Editorial August 2006
2006 September
- Suicidal husband, Bismuthum sulphuricum
- Manganum, Samarium oxydatum case
- Naphtalinum, case 3
- Scientific research in homeopathy: to Prove or to Improve
- Cancer and Homeopathy
- Editorial September 2006
2006 October
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 6
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 5
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 4
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 3
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 2
- Case Hydrocyanicum acidum 1
- Hydrocyanic Acid and the Holocaust - A Different point of View
- Gelsemium, Encephalitis cured with
- Silicea, Myristica seb. Cantharis,Thuja occ., Carcin., A case of anal fistula
- Pulsatilla, An example of leucorrhea treated with
- Conium, Case of menorrhagia, treated with
- a Brief history of Gynecology / Obstetrics
- Bismuthum muriaticum, Threatened suicide of mother
- Homeopathy as Information Science
- Editorial October 2006
2006 November
- Macaw/Psittacus information
- Macaw, a bright bird
- Trauma treatment examples
- Birth and the carbon series
- Graphitis, Carbo veg. Boron, Post mature elderly Multigravida
- Argentum nitricum, Full of gas
- Calcarea carbonicum, Primigravida with threatening early labor
- Editorial November 2006
2006 December
- Manganum Phosphoricum 68 old female with aplastic anemia
- Apis, Sometimes a Bee is a Bee
- Lac Dolphinum family secrets
- Lac Leoninum with eczema and sibbling rivalry
- Lac Suillinum: a case of west syndrom and tetraplegia
- Homeopathy is a miracle and a science, measurable and imponderable
- Editorial December '06
2007 January
- Gallium - Metals in pediatric daily practice
- Helleborus and Homelessness
- Factors to increase the risk of Autism
- Cuprum, Simple case of Autism
- Resonance and pain
- Provings_Theory of
- Melaleuca lanceolata proving
- Editorial January 2007
2007 February
- Homeopathy is life giving
- Lac Equinum for Anxiety and depression
- Lac Defloratum; I do not care to live
- Gelsemium; Very high fever in Hospital
- Iridium metals in pediatry
- Yttrium metals in pediatry
- Editorial February 2007
2007 March
- Mobile phone
- Fabiana-Pseudotsuga; 'I want to be great'
- Samarium carbonicum; Chest pains, Migraines, Chronic fatigue syndrom
- Mental illnesses
- Natrium carbonicum in Warts
- Nightwatching, a Renewed View of Lost Homeopathic Vocabulary
- Editorial March 2007
2007 April
- On the Study of Homeopathic Materia Medica
- Titanium carbonatum: fear of criticism and failure
- Murex 'I want to be beautiful'
- Themes of Datura arborea/ Solanaceae
- Datura arborea/ Paranoid jealousy
- Editorial April 2007
- Tuberculinum in 'Need for Freedom'
2007 May
- Homeopathy, exploring the bounderies
- Paeonia in nightmares and abdominal complaints
- Paeonia in fistula ani etc
- Paeonia in a case of periarteritis nodosa
- Paeonia officinalis picture/ Materia Medica
- Tilia Europaea in HNP
- Elaps in HNP
- Editorial May '07
2007 June
- Homeopathy, Dogmatism and Healing
- Testing and producing remedies / kinesiology
- Actinide-series /Uranium arsenicum case
- Actinides /The hidden camera and the broken mirror
- Argentum Phosphoricum/ Panic attacks
- Actea Spicata in chronic sinusitis, sleeping problems a.o
- Agathis Australis /Kauri in Panic
- Editorial June 2007
2007 July
- Introduction for CVA approach
- Nightshades, discussion
- Stramonium, a case of PTSD
- Saccharum-album_David's Case
- Eating disorders_The empty addict;
- Editorial July 2007
2007 August
- Sulphate or Sulphide in 'a partner or not?' etc.
- Secale cornutum /Repudiated if dressed indecently
- Opium and Bothrops in CVA
- Arnica + Natrium sulphuricum in CVA-case
- Editorial August 2007
2007 September
- Anacardium occidentalis in bursitis
- Lachesis for a young psychotic boy
- Kreosote in chronic urticaria
- Automutilation _A case of
- Editorial September 2007
2007 October
- Provings_Theory of /2
- Armadillium Vulgare in an 'Asperger-girl'
- Ptelea in a case with depression and headaches
- First Chakra case examples
- Potencies and Chakra's
- Cactaceae versus Falcon; New and Old approach in Homeopathy
- Editorial october 2007
2007 November
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -1-
- Second - chakra case examples
- Majeptil case
- Lachesis: write & deliver a sermon ...
- Squilla Maritima
- Editorial November 2007
2007 December
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -2-
- Third chakra cases
- Hafnium in Sleeplessness
- Rhodium Muriaticum Fear of failure in creating a baby
- Strontium muriaticum and Adrenalin for Stressful menopause
- Germanium in Migraine
- Editorial December '07
2008 January
- Pfeiffer proving
- Malaria nosode for Nightmares
- Successive remedies in Chronic Eczema
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -3-
- Fourth Chakra Potency
- Periodic Table, The 18 Stages of the
- Periodic Table, The 7 Series of the
- Group analysis
- Editorial January 2008
2008 February
- 5th Chakra Potency
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -4- Syphilitic Miasm -
- Chromicum acidum case
- Chromicum Acidum
- Ericaceae
- Original Trade Mark: Antimonium crudum
- Editorial February 2008
2008 March
- 6th Chakra potency
- Homeopathy and the Integration of feelings -5-
- Staphysagria in Lost Childhood Case
- Disease as creative expression of the Soul
- Absinthium in Migraine headaches
- Plumbum_The mask, a case of
- Ficus Religiosa as growth hormone
- Editorial March 2008
2008 April
- 7th Chakra potencies
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -6-
- Differentiation of Rubrics of Mind
- Rhodium Metallicum Proving
- Aconitum case 4
- Aconitum case 3
- Aconitum case 2
- Aconitum case 1
- Aconitum Napellus - for acute illness or is it deeper?
- Editorial April 2008
2008 May
- Samarium metallicum proving
- Homeopathy and the integration of feelings -7-
- Absinthium in a case of schizophrenia
- Kalium ferrocyanatum in 3 cases of severe climacteric metrorrhagia
- Hydrocyanicum Acid -2-
- Hydrocyanicum Acidum and the Purple Death -1-
- Editorial May 2008
2008 June
- Homeopathy and the Integration of feelings -8-
- Zincum met./ Arsenicum alb. in a Hydrocephalus- case
- Neodymium carbonicum: To represent her total self
- Cerium oxydatum: Cocoon
- Lanthanum carbonicum in a case of obesity
- Erbium Sulfuricum: The 'tourist'
- Editorial June 2008
2008 July
- Tyranny of Ignorance - The Insidious Sickness of Humanity
- Dysprosium metallicum: problems with sugar
- Rheum, a demanding child
- Magnesium sulphuricum; a chameleon in love
- Lanthanum phosphoricum; How to keep autonomy when you need help
- Holmium muriaticum in a case of nephrotic syndrome
- Editorial July & August 2008
2008 September
- Dogmatism in homeopathy
- Interview with Jan Scholten / Dr.Pawan.S.Chandak interviewer
- Larus Argentatus for RSI
- Graphites in a pregnant woman
- Samarium sulphuricum and rheumatoid arthritis
- Terbium sulphuricum case
- Editorial September 2008
2008 October
- Agave tequilana in arthritis
- Magnesium muriaticum oxydatum_Case 3
- Magnesium carbonicum oxydatum_Case 2
- Magnesium carbonicum muriaticum_Case 1:
- Element theory revisited: introduction to the case studies
- Element theory revisited
- Editorial October 2008
2008 November
- Xenon and anesthesia
- Neodymium bromatum: I was not a bad child
- Neodymium phosphoricum: I armored myself since the death of loved ones
- Olea europea
- Ophiophagus hannah: Birds versus snakes
- Editorial November 2008
2008 December
- Lanthanum phosphoricum - short case
- Molybdenum metallicum and Bromum_A case of
- Diospyros kaki: Surviving Radiation
- Technetium metallicum_A case of
- Musca domestica_A case of
- Editorial December 2008
2009 January
- Turdula merula in a case of fibromyalgia
- Bismuthum muriaticum: Parkinson patient wanting to die
- Vanadium muriaticum: What path shall I follow?
- Natrium Phosphoricum in lung-fibrosis
- Rubidium carbonicum_A case of
- Niobium metallicum_A case of
- Editorial January 2009
2009 February
- X-ray, an article on
- Magnetis poli arcticus: a short case
- Ummidia, the trapdoor spider
- Calcium fluoratum in abdominal migraines
- Cobaltum nitricum_A case of
- Niobium metallicum_A case of
- Editorial February 2009
2009 March
- Chemical Algebra: Enjoying the fruits (and salts) of Jan Scholten's invention: 1/4
- Heteractis malu; The Sea Anemone: Exposed and vulnerable, must protect by withdrawal inward
- Technetium Muriaticum - An Integration of Light and Dark
- Cadmium phosphoricum in glandular fever
- Olibanum tree /as mediators
- Manganum iodatum_A case of
- Editorial March 2009
2009 April
- Chemical Algebra: part two
- Cerium phosphoricum in Crohn's disease
- Belladonna in labour
- Ferrum iodatum in stress
- Tungsten metallicum_A case of
- The future of homeopathy , homeopathy for Epidemics, collective trauma and endemic diseases
- Editorial April 2009
2009 May
- Chemical Algebra: part three
- Angelica Archangelica, a story of
- Calcium nitricum - short case
- Praseodymium bromatum in fibromyalgia
- Magnesium Fluoratum case: the magic bullet
- The future of homeopathy / part 2
- Editorial May 2009
2009 June
- Chemical Algebra: part four
- Gyps Hymalayensis (Vulture family) for 'extreme emotions'
- Bismuthum and suicide /+ two cases
- Rhodium sulphuricum in allergies + irritable cough
- Parotidinum in acne rosacea
- The future of homeopathy / part 3
- Editorial June 2009
2009 July
- The element theory and implicate archetypal order
- Angelica Archangelica in Alopecia areata
- Beryllium metallicum /woman with COPD
- Bismuthum /5 more cases
- Editorial July 2009
2009 September
- Causticum mystery
- Sorbus domesticus/ Lecitinum/ Aristolochia clematis in a one case
- Vulvar vestibulitis and the Labiata family
- Hydrophis Cyanocinctus / a picture of overcompensation
- Ginkgo Biloba / a compulsive obsessive disorder case
- Editorial September 2009
2009 October
- Trituration Proving of the Light of Saturn
- Carbon, the feeling of
- Remedy Pictures, Development of
- Latrodectus Mactans case
- Thulium iodatum
- Editorial October 2009
2009 November
- C.Q. Curability Quotient
- Jupiter rays, Preliminary presentation of proving results
- Helleborus for a boy with sexual guilt
- Baryta phosphorica
- Cuprum oxydatum/Smothered in Love
- Editorial November 2009
2009 December
- Erbium Metallicum, a stoic person
- Silicium carbonatum for coxarthrosis and hypertension
- Lanthanum phosphoricum in a PDD-nos case
- Cerium carbonicum in a PDD-nos case
- Lanthanides in PDD-NOS
- Treatment of swineflu
- Holmium Carbonicum Case
- Editorial December 2009
2010 February
- Editorial
- Difficulties reading and writing in a boy with an IQ of 140: Europium Carbonicum
- Blaze, a 16 year old thoroughbred gelding
- A girl with complaints after mononucleosis
- A girl with mononucleosis
- A boy with post-mononucleosis depression
- Jan's column: the banks and the economic crisis
2010 March
- Editorial
- Mantis religiosa - Cosmic transformer
- A case of Ruthenium
- Attacked by ghosts
- Brie, miniature horse, 6 years old
- Some thoughts on Carbo vegetabilis: two cases
- Jan's column: theorising?!
2010 April
- Editorial
- Myrrha, the precious gift for the softening of suffering; four cases
- The Family of Calcium carbonicum - Limestone and Marble
- Conium maculatum
- Jemma, Springer Spaniel with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- Jan's column: homeopathy under attack
2010 May
- Editorial
- Lilac beauty (Apeira Syringaria): case and proving
- Beryllium nitricum for social phobia
- Brachyglottis repens in children; six cases solved with the aid of colour preference
- Brachyglottis repens
- Brachyglottis repens: three cases
- Jan's column: tribute to Tinus Smits
2010 June
- Hydrogen: a sixty four year old man with convulsions
- Conium Maculatum: a case of severe chronic photophobia in a six year old girl
- Ignatia for Deliverance from an In Utero State of Shock (or a Re-birthing into the World)
- Leucoderma: a melanin's intimidation
2010 July/August
- Editorial: letting go of knowing
- Muriaticum acidum; a case of gastroesophageal reflux in a newborn
- Rupert; eight year old warmblood gelding
- Lac humanum - Lac maternum
- Safe to play; a case of Lac delphinium
- A case of Lac Lupinum
- Book review: Whole Again by Christa Gebhardt and Jürgen Hansel
- Jan's column: school killings
2010 September
- Editorial: the never-ending story of Placebo
- Introduction to the Fabaceae family
- Phaseolus vulgaris: angry and tired
- Phaseolus vulgaris: all over the place
- Gymnocladus canadensis: too tired to hold her head up
- Gymnocladus canadensis: life is no fun
- Melilotus and Indigo: two short cases
- Book review: Praxis by Massimo Mangialavori
- Jan's column: Professor of complementary medicine?
2010 October
- Editorial: Actinides - act one
- Tribute to David Warkentin
- Torako Yui: the miracle in Japanese homeopathy
- Actinides: the hidden camera and the broken mirror
- Neptunium nitricum: wise beyond his years
- Uranium nitricum and hereditary lymphatic leukemia
- Uranium and Iodum: a wise old child
- Uraninitum and Uranium nitricum in hereditary spherocytosis
- Book review: The Periodic Table in Homeopathy by Ulrich Welte
2010 November
- Editorial: Actinides - second act
- In Memoriam Dr Alfons Geukens
- Torako Yui: the miracle in action
- The Actinides: The Ultimate Challenge
- Californium nitricum: I feel like a fragmentation bomb
- Plutonium nitricum: I had an idea to make a bomb with chlorhydric acid and zinc
- Plutonium nitricum: he has lost his inner light
- Thorium metallicum: a magician with renal failure
- Jan's column: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
2010 December
- Editorial: the homeopathic treatment of cancer
- Destruction at all levels; the healing power of cancer
- Calcarea arsenicosa in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme
- A healing process of bowel cancer
- Calcarea muriatica: hairy cell leukemia
- Natrium silicatum: collapse of relationships
- Book review: Miasms and Nosodes by Louis Klein
2011 January
- Editorial: the Papaveraceae family
- A case of seronegative arthritis
- Out of breath and fear of falling after an accident
- The welcoming brother at the Church door
- Fleeing from pain: seven short cases of Opium
- Book review: A Wander With a Little Wonder by Dinesh Chauhan
- Jan's column: What does it mean: homeopathy treats the patient but not the disease?
2011 February
- Editorial: Gemstones - flowers of the underworld
- Introduction to the Gem family
- Caring beyond one's boundaries: an Amethyst case
- Learning from stones: an Amethyst case
- The land of 'No': a case of Golden topaz
- Moving deeper inside of herself: a case of Pearl
2011 March
- Editorial: times of turmoil
- Introduction to the Lamiaceae family
- Named after her grandmother; a case of Rosmarinus
- My heart runs away with me; a case of Lycopus virginicus
- I feel like a robot; a case of Teucrium marum
- Never acknowledged; a case of Thymolum
2011 April
- Editorial: homeopathy for animals - placebo?
- Arran, the bird-dog
- Kashmir, an example of a seemingly physical problem
- A guide dog with behaviour problems
- Daisy or the importance of onset in the treatment of hyperthyroidism
- Biting followed by remorse; a case of Lyssinum
- Meg, the alpha dog, with blood black like ink urine
- Christmas with Beanie; a case of osteosarcoma
2011 May
- Editorial: treating the poorest of the poor
- Letter from Africa
- A day in the clinic
- Three cases of HIV/AIDS: Felician, Esther, and Mary
- Homeopathy in the Philippines
2011 June
- Editorial: Homeopathy in places of need
- The Baktapur homeopathic clinic in Nepal
- Acute abdominal pain and traveller's diarrhea
- Homeopathic approach to catastrophe and radiations problems; Fukushima, Japan
- Indonesia: travelling on faith and little white pills
2011 July August
- Editorial: summer fireworks
- A case of chronic osteomyelitis with Brodie's abscess
- Dissimilar diseases - Hahnemann's approach to psychiatric patients
- Christchurch earthquakes; Gelsemium to the rescue
- Three cases of Radium bromatum
- Prescribing combination mineral remedies; a case of Natrum iodatum
- Backtracking to go in a new direction; a case of Amphisbaena vermicularis
- The disturbing stone; the hidden pain of sexual abuse
- Hospital will be the end of me; a case of Staphylotoxinum
2011 September
- Editorial: the inner beauty of the Lanthanides
- Lanthanides: homeopaths as patients
- Neodymium sulphuricum in 10 cases
- Terbium metallicum: psoriasiform eczema and tinnitus
- Europium oxydatum: ulcero-hemorrhagic rectocolitis
- Cerium carbonicum: idiopathic purpura
- Cerium oxydatum: arthritis psoriatica
- Lanthanum phosphoricum: progressive muscular distrophy
- Lanthanum oxydatum: a matter of chromosomes
- Lanthanides and allergies
2011 October
- Editorial: provings and protocols
- Jan's column: following up on follow-ups
- The Red Admiral butterfly: military man among the ladies
- A case of Vanessa Atalanta
- Phalaenopsis gigantea: the Hahnemannian proving of Elephant ear orchid
- A case of Phalaenopsis gigantea
- Citrus nobilis: the Great Lakes proving of Temple orange
- A case of Citrus nobilis
- Lepomis gibbosus: the Great Lakes proving of Pumpkinseed sunfish
2011 November
- Editorial: from Canada with love
- A Farewell to Patricia Le Roux
- A tribute to Patricia Le Roux
- Homeopathy in the Down Town East Side of Vancouver BC
- Baryta bromata: guilty of powerlessness and failure
- Praseodymium fluoratum: my classmates think I am evil
- Chininum sulphuricum: playing chess at a thousand miles per hour
- Volunteering in Swaziland and Botswana
2011 December
- Editorial: reflections
- Jan's column: in memoriam Patricia Le Roux
- The elements of life; Carbon series
- Bird remedies; bridging both worlds
- Barium fluoratum: a case of multiple recurrent ceratocystic tumors
- Chlamydia trachomatis: clinical observations
- Case-witnessing process: If I can't be one...
- Sumbulus moschatus; keeping perfect control
- Inspired stocking-fillers
2012 January
- Editorial: India's young generation of homeopaths
- Obituary: Diwan Harish Chand
- Barium muriaticum: a slow learner
- Uranium nitricum: recurrent tonsilitis
- Amphisbaena vermicularis: something in the dark
- Lac rhesus: a happy, mischievous monkey
2012 February
- Editorial: in the company of Lacs
- Petite bully in princess' clothing: a case of Lycopodium
- Snakes in my bed: a case of Funiculus umbilicus humanum
- Sneak in to steal some Mama's milk: a case of Lac lupinum
- You open the door and it becomes bigger and bigger: a case of Lac leoninum
- Book review: The lacs: A Materia Medica and Repertory by Patricia Hatherly
2012 March
- Editorial: Imponderables, a force to be reckoned with
- The study of X-ray
- Déjà vu and depression: a case of Ultrasound
- Great Lakes proving of TV emanation
- I want to be a breatharian: a case of TV emanation
- Lacking of inner compass: a case of Magnetis polus arcticus as a second prescription
- Forcing physicality: a case of Light of Saturn
2012 April
- Editorial: treasure trove
- Playing with the rules; a case of Uranium
- I want to be a bird: a case of Cuprum arsenicosum
- I always thought I was less than a man: a case of Gecko
- Everything can be blown away; a case of Campanula rapunculus
- Homeopathy and dyslexia
- Exploring sarcodes: a very hurried man
- Welwitschia mirabilis: duality and transformation
- Book review: The Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process by Dinesh Chauhan
2012 May
- Editorial: Homeopathy "Down under"
- It's a scary world out there: three cases of Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum
- Addicted to love: a case of Rose quartz immersion
- Illegitimacy and survival: a case of Leprominium
- An epileptic dog: a case of Cicuta virosa
- Triticum vulgare: widely used in Substance, little known in Dilution
- I want to be independant from the apron strings: a case of Buteo jamaicensis
- Book review: Homeopathic Mind Maps, Remedies of the Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms (trilogy) by Alicia Lee
2012 June
- Editorial: valuable variables
- The world is a dangerous place, I need protection: a proving of Oplopanax horridus
- A case of Morphinum
- A case of Positronium
- I bring everything inside me, hold on to it and slowly it dissolves in my system
- Clinging and letting go: a case of autism spectrum disorder
- A case of Pulmonaria officinalis
2012 July August
- Editorial: Amazing Insects
- The Great Lakes Proving of Vespula vulgaris nest
- Itchy hives with swollen eyes: an acute case of Vespa vulgaris
- Transforming the insanity and poison of Solanaceae: a case of Doryphora
- Go right in and chew him a new head: a case of Mantis religiosa
- Out of the darkness, into the light: a case of Firefly
- Into the abyss: a proving of Acanthocephala terminalis - the leaf-footed bug
- Mr Potato Head: a case of Doryphora
2012 September
- Editorial: the wondrous world of the Noble Gases
- The Noble Gases: the starry night of Helium
- Zero activity: the Noble Gases and Helium
- A proving of Helium
- An autistic boy; a case of Helium
- The air is too heavy; a case of Xenon
- No one at the door; a case of Neon
- Preaching from the rooftops: a case of Neon
2012 October
- Editorial: Whitmont's legacy
- Edward Christopher Whitmont: a timeline
- Edward Whitmont in perspective
- Personal experiences with Edward Christopher Whitmont
- The use of dreams in homeopathic treatment
- The Axis Mundi: a case where the remedy is found from a dream
- Using Astro-psychology with homeopathy
- Sabina : Mysterium - A dream teaching
2012 November
- Editorial: Let it be more
- Walking the edge of a goat trail
- Finding my power: a case of Gadolinium hydroxydatum
- Two cases of snapping and closing down
- I loaded up the 22: a case of Derris pinnata
- Another look at the Compositae family
- I want to look good: a case of Calcarea fluoratum
2012 December
- Editorial: the Rosaceae family and the thorny side of love
- Introduction to the Rosaceae family
- Roses: sweet scents, thorns, and cyanide
- I am too shocked to breathe: a case of Laurocerasus
- Closed about love affairs: a case of Sorbus domestica
- I am confused about my love-life: a case of Sorbus domestica
- A romantic dreamer: a case of Rosa damascena
- Love is like a thorn in my eye: a case of Prunus spinosa
- Hahnemann's heavenly rose
- Panorama: Letter from Africa 2
2013 January
- India's young generation of homeopaths, season two: the feminine fire
- Fighting with a sword in both hands; a case of Osmium
- I get absorbed, losing my boundaries; a case of Natrium muriaticum
- Something is sitting on my chest; a case of Python
- My existence has no meaning; a case of cuprum sulphuricum
- Book review: Survival - The Reptiles by R. Sankaran and M. Shah
2013 February
- Autonomy, Integration, and Trauma: the Asteraceae Family
- An introduction to the Asteraceae family
- A proving of Gaillardia aristata; Blanketflower
- A proving of Cosmos bipinnatus
- Moonbeam coreopsis: a trituration proving of Coreopsis verticillata
- Trod on and comes up smiling: a case of Bellis perennis
- I see auras: a case of Nabalus serpentaria
- Jan Scholten's Periodic System of Plants
2013 March
- Editorial: diving into the depths, prescribing on the Sea archetype
- Sea remedies: a vast little-explored treasure source of healing potential
- Evolution of the senses: Cnidarian remedies
- Gripping onto the edge of the cliff: a case of Limpet
- My heart is broken: a case of Oyster
- I bury my head in the sand: a case of Venus mercenaria
- A sense of fear waving over me: a case of Pearl
- I have to be able to go up: a case of Nautilus shell
- I'm on the ferry with lots of my family, we lose each other: a case of Physalia physalis
2013 April
- Editorial: Spring treasure trove
- An overlooked jewel: abstract of the results of a Polish study on high dilutions
- Three butterfly cases
- Mummy does not love me: a case of Saccharum officinale
- Lucy and the mummies: a case of Chelidonium majus
- The dark mother: a case of Thulium muriaticum
- A secondary case of encopresis: Nautilus pompilius
- A proving of Saussurea obvallata
2013 May
- Editorial: a Wondrous Order
- The Table of Plants; a brief overview
- Table of Plants: the fourth column
- Loves to play as if an animal: a case of Chocolate
- Needing a protective home: a case of Abelmoschus
- Immediate fulfillment needed: a case of Kola
- Why can't I let it go: a case of Salix fragilis
- A disadvantaged girl: a case of Drosera
- Damca, a Viola dog
- Rolling forward: a case of Sinapis alba
2013 June
- Lively offerings: a Spring collection
- Hypericum to the rescue... fifteen years later!
- Three cases in companion animals: Calcarea carbonica and cancer of the bladder
- Indigo blues: a case of ancestral grief
- Order of importance: a case of Veratrum album and Morgan pure
- It's not heavy, it's light: a case of Spectrum
- Giving insights into the Fish: a proving of Yellow Box Fish
- My eyes are open like a fish: a case of Ostracion cubicus
- Peeling away the drug layer
2013 July August
- Editorial: the Hydrocarbons - as unnoticed as plastic
- A dream proving of Petroleum
- They burn metal to get more fire; a case of Petroleum
- A big shock, a big boom, like a gasp of air; a case of Glonoine
- Icy fingers in my brain; a case of Camphora
- A hot fluid stifling the joints; a case of Benzinum nitricum
- Sucked into a vortex; a case of Bromoethane
2013 September
- Editorial: welcoming diversity
- Caught in a trap: a case of Drosera
- Cheerful and lively: a case of Sabadilla
- Visited by demons: a case of Mancinella
- Angry and violent: the case of a destructive young girl
- A true remedy for trauma: two cases of Buddleia davidii
- Unaffected by small perturbations: a case of Viola tricolor
- I'm bored and ignored: a case of Cubeba officinalis
- Journey to the light: the Kinesthetic Resonance Method
2013 October
- Editorial: healing the inner wild
- Canada goose proving: be simple, direct and to the point
- I have no need to be in the water: a case of Canada goose egg
- Sheep's milk proving: sacrifice without reward
- I lift them up through my sacrifice: a case of sheep's milk
- Snapping turtle proving: I react to the most ridiculous things!
- Fear of sticking my neck out: a case of snapping turtle egg
- Common loon proving: the phoenix of the Lakes
- I go up and down: a case of common loon
- Panorama: seminars and books
2013 November
- Editorial: Insects and Spiders remedies
- Belittled and demeaned or the need to be someone big: Insect and Spider remedies
- I'll spin a web and chuck you into a tree: a case of Aranea Ixobola
- I was in her control, I had to defeat her physically: a case of Aranea diadema
- I want people to respect me more: a case of Blatta orientalis
- Something gets under my skin and drives me crazy: a case of Sarcoptes scabiei
- My whole body is alive, there's a constant buzzing: a case of Schistocerca americana
- Driven mad with sexual desire: a case of Cantharis
- Over-connection and possessive relationships over three generations: a case of Latrodectus mactans
- Comparing Insect remedy and Spider remedy themes
- Panorama: seminars and books
2013 December
- Editorial: Matridonal remedies - gifts of the mother
- A short story of the Matridonal remedies: Incarnation - from Heaven to Earth
- Oxytocin in practice: the endless search for mother love
- Communication and bonding: six cases of Oxytocinum
- Day dreaming: a case of Oxytocinum
- A study of Placenta
- My life has become colourless and disconnected: a case of Umbilical cord
- Feeling left out: a case of Umbilical cord and Amniotic fluid
- Everything is too much: three cases of Vernix caseosa
January 2014
- Editorial: well-known remedies for severe pathologies
- The synergistic approach in homoeopathic practice
- Inadequate and neurotic: a case of Baryta bromatum
- I do not exist for my father: a case of Ficus religiosa
- Everything I touch hurts: a case of Taraxacum
- Quarrelsome with the family: a case of Kalium carbonicum
- Still feeling the distress of childhood: a case of Staphysagria
- Dreams of sudden fright: a case of Stramonium
February 2014
- Editorial: the green homeopathic evolution
- Homeopathic treatment of plants: a promising journey
- Homeoplant: the beginning of an adventure
- Helix tosta: a slug nightmare
- Voles and slugs on the run
- Leaf curl healers: Thuja and Natrum sulphuricum
- Mildew and mites: the fight of the cucumber
- Tomato blight: Carbo vegetabilis to the rescue
- Box trees' savior: Box tree moth Extra
- Panorama: seminars and books
March 2014
- Bird themes overview
- To be detached and separated is liberating: a case of Ardea herodias
- She put me in my room and wouldn't let me out: a case of Falco peregrinus
- I hate what comes out of my mouth: a case of Corvus corax
- I feel everyone is judging me: a case of Passer domesticus
- A confrontation with a dominant male makes you feel vulnerable: a case of Columba palumbus
- Book review: Homeopathic Mind Maps - Birds by Alicia Lee
- Panorama: seminars and books
April 2014
- Editorial: the wonderful world of Plant theory
- Plant theory
- An overview of the Commelinales family
- Anger and bitterness within: a case of Tradescantia virginiana
- I don't know who I am: a case of Tricyrtis hirta
- Sensitive, soft, and vulnerable: a case of Nymphaea odorata
- I feel very insecure and alone: two cases of Drimys winterii
- Look at me: a case of Morinda citrifolia
- Feeling left out: a case of Sarsaparilla
- Everything feels like a mountain: a case of Gnaphalium polycephalum
- Panorama: seminars and books
May 2014
- Editorial: a contribution to world homeopathy
- A Knight in our midst!
- A cloud of poverty: a case of Melilotus
- Separation anxiety: a case of Saccharum officinale
- Deprived of body, property, and life: a case of Arsenicum iodatum and Diospyros kaki
- A little girl who has never grown up: a case of Lac humanum
- My house is haunted: a case of Crotalus cascavella
- The burden of caring for a sick mother: a case of Chalice well water
- Somewhere above average: a case of Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- Panic attacks: a case of Latrodectus mactans
- Panorama: seminars and books
June 2014
- Editorial: fruits of our learning
- A girl who loved the colour black: a case of Crocodile
- He does not react to anything: a case of Carbo vegetabilis
- Something is choking me: a case of Crotalus horridus
- Anger at trifles: a case of Platina
- If alone, I will be deprived: a case of Lac defloratum
- Deceived by his family: a case of Arsenicum album
- I'm frightened of being injured: a case of Arnica
July/August 2014
- Editorial: the fascinating world of veterinary homeopathy
- The homeopathic treatment of cancer for animals
- Rembrandt, the laminitic miniature horse
- Local and deeper acting remedies
- Chronic skin disease in a six year old cat
- Four cases from a Belgian practive
- A Sulphur constitution
- Constipation and cats
- A bowel nosode for a lame cat with diarrhoea
- Panorama: seminars and books
September 2014
- Editorial: sarcode remedies - processes of life
- Sensational sarcodes
- You protect what you love: a case of Testosterone
- If they stop, everything will come to an end: a case of Mitochondria
- I need to look after people: a case of Testosterone
- Excitement is my running system: a case of Adrenalin
- My body doesn't know where it should disperse itself: a case of Folliculinum
- Panorama: seminars and books
October 2014
- Editorial: the many ways of homeopathy
- Strange birds: a case of Bubo virginianus
- I have to be big and strong: a case of Sanguis panther tigris atlaica
- Keeping her head above water: a case of Menyanthes trifoliata
- I won't give in to the pain: a case of Eupatorium aromaticum
- Shattered and shocked: a case of Gelsemium
- I'm still angry at my ex-wife: a case of Cinnabaris
- Panorama: seminars and books
November 2014
- Editorial: Sensation and Synergy approaches in homeopathic practice
- The evolution of Sensation: a Synergistic approach
- An integrated approach to treating cancer cases
- Meditative approach in chronic skin complaints
- Understanding the Lithium series: five psychiatric cases
- A Synergistic case study: from Symptom to System
- A Synergistic approach to case-taking
- A simple approach to clinical practice: three cancer cases
- A Synergistic approach: three cases
- Panorama: seminars and books
December 2014
- Editorial: a tree to the unknown
- Learning to climb the tree
- A tree can bear anything: a case of Prunus spinosa
- I'm afraid of staying alone: a case of Butomus umbellatus
- The man forgotten in time: a case of Holmium phosphoricum
- I would die without water: a case of Hydrophis cyanocinctus
- On the edge of a knife: a case of Acer saccharum
- Right in the middle: a case of Sabal serrulata
- Panorama: seminars and books
February 2015
- Editorial: standing strong as a tree
- My experience with Jan Scholten's wonderful Plant theory
- Linum catharticum - 644.23.12: two cases
- A journey to one own's life: a case of Aristolochia clematitis - 622.72.05
- Feeling used and taken for granted: a case of Pontederia cordata - 633.46.011
- Life is hard: a case of Raphanus sativus - 655.66.16
- Pressured to have a child: a case of Ekebergia capensis - 655.47.07
- Still a child in a cruel world: a case of Ranunculus bulbosus - 642.13.08
- I can't get my breath: a case of Fagopyrum esculentum - 663.66.02
- Sudden collapses: a case of Arum triphyllum - 632.11.04
- Panorama: seminars and books
April 2015
- Editorial: Homeopathy as the art of applied consciousness
- Homeodynamics: a window into the nature of reality
- Sensation, Source, and Susceptibility
- Of apples and roses: a case of Malus communis
- Poisoned by leeches: a case of Hirudo medicinalis
- Light at the end of the tunnel: a case of Rattus rattus
- The Bullfrog: a C4 trituration experience
- Tongue-tied since birth: a case of Rana catesbeiana
- Panorama: seminars and books
June 2015
- Editorial: homeopathy from "down under"
- Night terrors and developmental delay in a child with cerebral palsy
- Three cases of recurrent cystitis
- Babbles and bubble: a case a Cerium carbonicum
- An unusual case of a well-kown remedy
- The pain of adolescence; a growing problem
- Purpura hemorrhagica: a case of Ledum
- Perthes disease and behavioural issues: a case of RNA
- Severe gout pain: a case of Asterias rubens
- Book review: Homeophathic remedy pictures by V. Mathison and F. Kusse
August 2015
- Editorial: keeping on evolving
- The evolution of homeopathic practice
- From Sensation to Synergy: a clarification of concepts
- The simplicity of homeopathic practice
- I am not free to do what I want: a case of Sepia
- Fearless, excitable, and itchy: a case of Origanum
- I am a short-tempered, selfish loner: a case of Androctonus
- A collection of short acute cases
- It is a big task to turn on my side: a case of Ruta
- Book review: The Synergy in Homeopathy by Rajan Sankaran
- Panorama: seminars and books
October 2015
- Editorial: precious insights
- Facets, structure, and clarity: recognising the Gemstone remedies
- We were not bonded as a family: a case of Amethyst
- Structure was not stable: a case of Rose quartz
- I feel trapped: a case of Emerald
- I am finding it more and more difficult to attain what I should do: a case of Cadmium phosphoricum
- I can't make any decisions: a case of Scandium metallicum
- Book review: Rose quartz, garden of the heart by Peter Tumminello
- Panorama: seminars and books
December 2015
- Editorial: the love of diversity
- Cramping from all sides: a case of Cuprum metallicum
- Three acts drama with one actor: a case of Lobelia, Impatiens, and Belladonna
- In the mirror, I look like an eagle: a case of Falco peregrinus
- Swearing at trifles: a case of Lac equinum
- It's about survival: a case of Nitrogenium
- Disconnected from the world: a case of Nuphar luteum
- My sister is like an allergy: a case of Squilla maritima
- Panorama: seminars and books
February 2016
- Editorial: the never ending wonders of veterinary homeopathy
- Rage syndrome: a case of Lyssinum
- Charlie and the cuddle factory: a case of Lac suis
- Prancing like a pony: a case of Lac equinum
- The surrogate mother: a case of Lac humanum
- Rude and flashing: a case of Borax
- A rabbit with an eye injury: a case of Physostigma
- Running around in circles: a case of Tuberculinum
- Sarcolactic acid in veterinary use
- The farmer and his herd: a case of Baryta carbonica
- Panorama: seminars and books
April 2022
- Editorial: interbeing and interhomeopathy
- Moving from fear to love: a case of Lac humanum
- Breaking the chain of abuse: a case of Capsicum
- Untying a knot of cross-generational trauma: a case of Bromium
- A history of abuse: a case of Magnesium bromatum
- Toughing it out: a case of Millefolium
- Breaking blockage across generations: a case of Sinapis alba
- Deep healing: a case of Bombus sylvestris
- Healing transgenerational patterns: two cases of Staphysagria
- Mending a mother-daughter bond: a case of Cygnus cygnus
- Panorama: seminars and books
June 2016
- Editorial: a road map through the forest
- I want to keep running: a case of Cadmium metallicum
- Screaming, shouting, slapping: a case of Actea spicata
- I hate men: a case of Helleborus
- Trembling with anger: a case of Hydrastis
- I am a good woman: a case of Crotalus cascavella
- Too scared to live alone: a case of Kalium nitricum
- I have to hold on: a case of Germanium
- Panorama: seminars and books