2006 Mai
Abelmoschus, de Pavol Tibensky
Mots-clés: fear spiders, eczema, stinking feet
Raphanus, de Anne Wirtz
Mots-clés: raphanus, chronic abdominal complaints, brassicaceae, cruciferae
Terbium Nitricum, de Pavol Tibensky
Mots-clés: headache, backache, hurry, fear of losing control
Cerium Oxydatum, de Anne Wirtz
Mots-clés: encopresis, constipation, cerium oxydatum
Dysprosium phosphoricum case, de Pavol Tibensky
Mots-clés: School problems, Dysprosium phosphoricum
Ferrum phosphoricum, Addiction case 7, alcoholic, de Frans Kusse
Mots-clés: Alcoholism, causticum, Ferrum phosphoricum, hemorrhoids, impaired hearing, nervous
Scrophularia nodosa, Asthma case treated with, de Sara Hemesley
Mots-clés: asthma, Scrophularia nodosa
Secret Lanthanides, de Ai-Ling Makewell
Mots-clés: reflexion, lanthanide, book review, invaluable, a must have for every homoeopath, person centered approach, element theory, auto-immune disease, epochal specific, individuality, disease pattern, vaccination, antibiotics, hypersensitivity, fragmentation, HIV, aids, self-knowledge, healing, self-realisation, the road to individuation
Editorial May/June 2006, de Anne Wirtz
Mots-clés: editorial