2011 January

Editorial: the Papaveraceae family

by the editorial team

This month we have a collection of cases from the Papaver family, centered on its key remedy, Opium. The response to Opium’s extreme sensitivity to pain, be it physical or emotional, is to dissociate and numb the pain. The cases show variations on this theme: Urvi Chauhan describes a man with severe arthritis, who experiences pain as intolerable and whose dream reveals an equally painful situation. Ulrich Welte’s case is of a man whose problems started after a fall and who subsequently no longer felt any pain. Alex Leupen tells of the “benevolence” of the Opium family. Referring to Karl Marx’s statement “religion is the opium of the people”, he presents the case of a man who responded well to Sanguinaria for his allergies and headaches. Deborah Collins has a collection of short cases of Opium, showing how it is sometimes necessary to follow up a “dissociation remedy”, such as Opium, with one or more which address the different layers of a problem.

We hope, as always, that you will enjoy this first issue of the year 2011. As we enter our second year of editorship, we would like to invite you to comment on the content of the journal to enable us to continue creating issues that respond ever more closely to your needs, wishes, and desires; criticisms, suggestions, and praises, all welcomed! We wish you a fruitful, fulfilling, and peaceful new year.




Photo from Wikimedia
A lone diya (lamp) in the prayer room; Ribhu Dey


Categories: Editorials
Keywords: Papaveraceae


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Posts: 6
Happy New Year
Reply #5 on : Mon January 17, 2011, 00:26:07
Thanks very much for all the great work and publications. They are very inspiring and helpful in many cases.

Posts: 6
Reply #4 on : Sun January 09, 2011, 12:55:37
Happy new year to all of you.
I dedicate this year to the spirit of the papaver family. Wonderful things are happening at the start of this year. I had a case of epilepsy to whom I prescribed Sanguinaria on 1st of jan 2011, on the basis of the sensation method with wonderful results from the first day,and now beautiful articles are being published by Interhomoeopathy.
Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 07:37:07 by *  

Posts: 6
Reply #3 on : Sun January 02, 2011, 08:45:35
thank you so much for your great work.
Your work help us in our practice so many times.
Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 08:36:36 by *  

Posts: 6
Happy new year
Reply #2 on : Sat January 01, 2011, 22:55:15
Happy new year for all of you who have been doing an excellent work about sharing homeopathic knowledge in materia medica and clinical cases in such an extraordinary way - I've learned so much and am very grateful for it!!!

Posts: 6
Reply #1 on : Sat January 01, 2011, 12:26:54
Dear Interhomeopathy-team,
Happy new year and thank you very much for your great work. I enjoy your high quality magazine.
Best wishes.
Manfred Sandvoss
Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 20:45:40 by *