July/August 2014

Editorial: the fascinating world of veterinary homeopathy

by Deborah Collins

The homeopathic treatment of animals is a fascinating study – here, one can scarcely regard the placebo effect as the cause of cure, though some insist that any healing benefit must be due to a change in attitude of the owner. In any case, it is always gratifying to see animals responding well and finding their health and vigour again. As a homeopathic veterinarian once said: “Homeopathy for animals is so clear – if you give the right remedy, it just works!”

Here, in rural France, it was the homeopathic treatment of animals that provided us a warm welcome into our new community. After offering to help some of the animals most obviously in need and watching them heal quickly, word soon spread that there was a homeopathic doctor in the area. Horses, dogs and a herd of sheep were all treated with relative ease, and soon their owners were providing us with vegetables, honey, eggs, garden plants, and good advice. When the farmers were convinced, they sent their wives for treatment, and finally came themselves! Farmers certainly know what works!

In this issue, we have a collection of veterinary cases from around the world: New Zealand, Australia, Britain Belgium, and Holland. We see different approaches, which include the integration of the most modern homeopathic developments as well as more traditional styles. It is evident that, just as with human homeopathy, the whole picture needs to be taken into account: the animal’s presenting illness as well as its home environment. This is often a challenge, as one largely ends up relying on the reports of the owners, who might not be aware of the effects of their own behaviour on the animal. Here, one needs to make one’s own observations as well, in order to discover the full picture of the case and the most accurate remedy.

Homeopathy has long been applied in farm settings as well as with house pets, much to the satisfaction of farmers and pet owners. In a future issue, we hope to report on a promising new development in veterinary homeopathy: the treatment of bees, whose populations around the world are being decimated by herbicides and pesticides. Homeopathy has so much to offer.

We hope that you enjoy this issue and that it will encourage you to reach out to the animals around you, either by using your own knowledge if you are already a trained homeopath or by calling a homeopathic veterinarian. The animals will love you for it, as will their owners.

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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Posts: 3
Homoepathy for animals
Reply #1 on : Fri July 25, 2014, 15:09:03

I am a near graduation student, and homeopathy has always been part of our lives.

When I started studying homeopathy, obviously family and friends were there to help me with my experience, and the obvious choice was animals.

Succeeding with animals brings satisfaction nothing else can offer... helpless, speechless animals yet with the same suffering, and we know that homeopathy works for them.

My first experience in this field was that of a mare who gave birth to a still-born foal. They took the foal away very quickly and this mare who was working in a riding center for autist patients rapidly became a problem. From the very docile mare she had been, protecting these children,she became a raging terror to all.. She would charge at anything looking even remotely like a family (children holding parents' hands), nip anyone within reach, and she stopped communicating with humans altogether.

Not only was she no longer paying her way, nor that of older horses, but she had become a security problem. The owner wanted her put down because she was dangerous, so she couldn't even sell her.

We were neighbors and she came to talk to me.

She thought it was grief... well it probably was, but there was more to it than that.. on top of the grief was a huge layer of anger.... it was so visible, that I wonder how the owner couldn't see it.

Today that horse is back in her place, same owner, same work... and she has mended beautifully.

There are many stories like this one.. however I always work with vets, because I not a vet myself, and you don't want to be treating things when there is more important pathology behind the apparent symptoms.

I am glad to have found others doing the same work as myself.
