2011 April

Editorial: homeopathy for animals - placebo?

by Deborah Collins

Placebo for animals? I could not help smiling at this oxymoron, while putting together this issue on homeopathy for animals. Animals, after all, are unlikely to think that little white sugar pills or a few drops in their water might do anything to relieve their complaints. Yet, an ever increasing number of veterinarians worldwide make successful use of homeopathy, often finding their way to it when all else has failed.

Farmers, who are usually known to be practical types and sometimes reluctant to try out methods that have not been tried and tested, find that carefully applied homeopathy reduces the need for antibiotics in their livestock.

Pet owners, as well as those homeopaths who also work with animals, see the results on a daily basis. Some of the most dramatic cures of homeopathy have been seen in animals, who would otherwise have been put down, such as the case of Rupert the horse, published in the July/August 2010 issue. So much for the placebo effect!

In this issue, we were fortunate to have a good supply of cases to choose from; in fact, so many that another issue will soon be dedicated to our animal friends. It is interesting to note the various approaches used and how it is possible “even” with animals to make use of the more modern methods, such as the sensation approach. It is also interesting to see the after-effects of vaccinations and how homeopathy can addressed them. Behavioral problems and their backgrounds are explored, as well as physical complaints which, as we shall see, sometimes have their source in past emotional issues.

We wish you much reading pleasure and look forward to your comments.


Categories: Editorials
Keywords: animals


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Posts: 9
Reply #5 on : Sat April 02, 2011, 02:55:06
I agree that when you ask a owner to observe/medicate the animal you ask him to put energy(healing)in action. But I have many patients whose owners come to me because of the closer view of them. So the intention, I think, comes first always.
Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 20:33:44 by *  

Posts: 9
Homeopathy for the animals.
Reply #4 on : Fri April 01, 2011, 03:48:55
As an animal homeopath I often find myself with cases which have "been through the mill" ie. allopathic approaches, but with no success. It is truly a wonderful feeling to be able to help these animals whose next stop would have been euthanasia. It seems to me both animals and babies or small children respond strongly to homeopathy... neither of which have a clue about the "placebo effect"!

Posts: 9
placebo effect
Reply #3 on : Thu March 31, 2011, 10:03:51
I agree the benefit of homeopathy in animals should be widely trumpeted. I also would like to say something about the word "placebo". Too often it is used to mean "nothing happening here". Actually it may be the mechanism of all healing, whether triggered by Reiki, homeopathy, statins, or open heart surgery. Therefore, as a homeopath I would not mind if homeopathy was due to placebo -- in the correct sense -- as the placebo effect still has to be triggered by the intent of the homeopath to be of service, the faith of the homeopath in his or her chosen method, and the willingness of the patient or patient's representative for healing to occur. However to just say "what I do is based on the placebo effect" would be misunderstood nearly everywhere as things stand.

Posts: 9
Homeopathy for Animals
Reply #2 on : Thu March 31, 2011, 00:38:42
Wonderful to hear that you will be publishing more animal cases!

Posts: 9
Placebo in animals
Reply #1 on : Wed March 30, 2011, 10:56:10
Thank you for this interesting article. I would like to add some thougths to it.

The Placebo effect has more aspects than the concious thouhgt "this little white sugar pills will help me". When you ask a farmer intensively about details in the behaviuor of his animals he is forced to look at them more closely. When you ask a farmer about individual aspets of his animal, he might start to see its individuality. When a lady who loves her Chuhuahua has to give five globules three times a day she is forced to deal with the animal intensively.

In this way you bring a change into the system. Even if you do a scientific research on a farm you change the awareness of the farmer. He e.g. might clean ths stable more often knowing that the vets will arrive. These changes in the system have an influence at least in hygenic and emotional fields.

Even the thougts and emotions of the owner influences animals. Especially dogs are strongly influenced by the emotions and thoghts of the owner, especially the unconcious thoughts. That means that the placebo-effect in the owner of the animal has an influence on the emotional state of the animal.

The placebo-effects for sure are lesser than in human patients. But I donĀ“t think that we can claim that there is no such thing as placebo-effects in animals at all.