2006 November

Trauma treatment examples

by Dr.K.V.Natarajan
1. A neighbor at Hyderabad
While driving to his office, a neighbor was thrown 20 feet out of his car by a lorry-side-on-collision at a road junction.
Unconscious he was admitted in a hospital. He regained conscience in a week and was discharged from hospital after 3 months, but his left eye pupil had been drawn to the left side. The doctors opinion was at best the pupil could be fixed at the center and he would no peripheral vision. With that situation my daughter phoned for my help if any.
A remedy for any physical illness due to a fall is ARNICA. A dose in the 200th potency made the pupil moveable and repeated three times in 15 days the eye became normal with his former vision. I can explain why I stress more importance to homoeopathy and not me, because I was at Madras and I did not know what sort of injury occurred to my neighbor in Hyderabad. I simply relied on the efficacy of the remedy whatever be the nature and the part affected. That is Homoeopathy. This does not mean in any way that the system is blindfolded or speculative. It is scientific and perfect so that the remedies, if carefully selected, will not be stopped from working.

2. Personal Experience
In a busy market I slipped on a damaged vegetable. My right leg was pushed away for a distance, while my left was static, making me stoop down and hold myself on my hands. As a result my right knee moved sideways independently. Slowly and carefully I moved to the car to return home. There were no orthopedists nearby. However, I had the Homoeopathic remedy selected because of previous experiences. Damage to nerves and ligaments by extension is RUTA.
In about some hours I could walk without limping. When I reached orthopedist the next day he showed me by holding my leg and letting it hang on his hands how the bones at the joint get separated due to the rupture of the ligament on the inner side of the knee. In his opinion I was fortunate the ligament was not cut.
Since there was no medicine for damaged ligaments he suggested some exercises may improve the use of the leg. I was advised not to sit on floor, not to go up the stairs and to walk for some days with disabler’s walker, a month later only with a walking stick. Any slip may result in cutting the ligament, which is almost incurable and would make me immobile. He was very serious and sincere in his advice since I was the age of 70.
Yes, the orthopedist’s work was over with suggesting the relevant exercises. Now comes the unequalled Homoeopathy. To the surprise of the Doctor I was walking with little limping and I could do all the exercises without difficulty or pain due to the RUTA taken earlier. However the ruptured ligament required some remedies for rebuilding. The tissue remedies that helped were; KALI PHOS, FERRUM PHOS, MAG PHOS, and SILICEA taken together daily for four doses. The remedies made me walk freely and the separation at my knee vanished and I am now able to use my leg as usual. Homoeopathy can cure even in field where Allopathy has nothing to offer.

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: arnica, ruta, collision, fall, illness, slipping, ligaments extension, kalium phosphoricum, ferrum phosphoricum, magnesium phosphoricum, silicea, eye pupil


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Posts: 11
acl ligament tear
Reply #6 on : Thu April 14, 2016, 20:02:29
Already taking ruta.Bryonia.Rhus tox.Arnica montana of 1 mg still pain in my knee and not healed after 2 months....Pls help
Posts: 11
Reply #5 on : Thu December 24, 2015, 15:39:29
I had an acl complete tear after that i oprated by dr sandeep sharma at bhopal fracture hospital at bhopal in mp bur after 3 months has been completed i am not healed from same kind of pain and instability came like before opration .dr incisioned downside from knee and inserted a screw in that portion ......i am too much worried and tensed about my knee because still i am unable to walk and run and sit on my feet in a indian toilet possition

Interhomeopathy is an information site, for treatment, please contact your local homeopath.
Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 11:02:14 by *  
Posts: 11
Reply #4 on : Mon January 05, 2015, 18:16:14

Interhomeopathy is an information site, for treatment, please contact your local homeopath.
Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 19:51:38 by *  

Posts: 11
Reply #3 on : Fri June 29, 2007, 04:27:05
Hi Harris:
Calendula 30C thrice a day for 1 week alongside
Ferrum Phos 6x, Cacarea Fluor 6x, Calcarea Phox.

If no improvement then Anac 30C thrice a day for a week alongside above 3 biochemics. Please look up a Materia Medica to match up your current symptoms to a materia medica as remedies have to be selected on materia medica list match.

Of course you must see a doctor for an accurate x-ray and cast or plaster and to rule out any fracture and for appropriate treatment or surgery. Your symptoms sound very much like a cut ACL (anterior or posteriol ACL) or easy subluxation of a joint (for which Stront Carb is well indicated)

Any advice given here should not be considered as medical advice and for any medical situation, kindly meet a medical physician.


Posts: 11
Reply #2 on : Wed June 27, 2007, 08:27:54
dear sir,

a year before whn i played football my left knee is twisted, when i checked with doctor they said my ligaments might be broken.

now in recent days. when i ran or jump. my leg is imbalanced & also i fallen down many times.

so i like to know if i want to go for a surgery or can be treated in homeopathy. can u provide me deatils of the remendies require for my problem.

haris kp

Posts: 11
Reply #1 on : Sat December 02, 2006, 03:15:00
Dear Sir:
I experienced recently a completely torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) of left knee due to sports injury.
After the initial Arnica 200 (for haematoma swelling & pain) & Rhust Tox 200 (for wrenching of nearby muscles) I switched to Calendula 200 thrice a week for 3 weeks. Calendula is a specific for cut/torn muscles/ligaments under 'Emergency' chapter of Morrison's repertory. There was much improvement before I went in for surgery to replace the ligament. However after the surgery the surgeon could not provide a before surgery arthroscopic 'photo' that he provides to all his other patients showing the torn ligament before surgery and a photo after surgery.
He said the camera did not function before my surgery. I have a feeling that the ligament probably showed great signs of healing.
Thanks, pgjjoseph