Life And Death - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2013
Sujit Chatterjee: Actinides And Cancer

Homeopathic remedies of the Uranium series in combination with conventional medical treatment for malignant tumors

The author shows how, even with seemingly hopeless cases of cancer, the Actinides can be used alongside treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Sujit Chatterjee has specialized for many years in the treatment of cancer patients. He combines conventional medical approaches with homeopathy, the sensation method, and the insights of the Banerji protocols. The impressively successful positive treatment results are accurately documented and supported with laboratory test results.

Key concepts: Actinides, Banerji protocols, chemotherapy, cancer therapy, carcinoma, operation, Plutonium nitricum, radiation, Radium bromatum, sensation method, tumor, Uranium metallicum, Uranium nitricum

Sujit Chatterjee: Actinides And Cancer

Life And Death - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2013
Sujit Chatterjee: Actinides And Cancer

Homeopathic remedies of the Uranium series in combination with conventional medical treatment for malignant tumors

The author shows how, even with seemingly hopeless cases of cancer, the Actinides can be used alongside treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Sujit Chatterjee has specialized for many years in the treatment of cancer patients. He combines conventional medical approaches with homeopathy, the sensation method, and the insights of the Banerji protocols. The impressively successful positive treatment results are accurately documented and supported with laboratory test results.

Key concepts: Actinides, Banerji protocols, chemotherapy, cancer therapy, carcinoma, operation, Plutonium nitricum, radiation, Radium bromatum, sensation method, tumor, Uranium metallicum, Uranium nitricum

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