New Life - Spectrum of Homeopathy 01/2013
Renate Paschmanns: Bleeding And Thrombosis

Crotalus horridus and Vipera berus in pregnancy.

Two cases of snake remedies demonstrate the use of this remedy group during pregnancy, especially for uterine bleeding, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. A further case shows the effectiveness of Carbo vegetabilis for a newborn baby with acute abdominal complaints.

Renate Paschmanns: Bleeding And Thrombosis

New Life - Spectrum of Homeopathy 01/2013
Renate Paschmanns: Bleeding And Thrombosis

Crotalus horridus and Vipera berus in pregnancy.

Two cases of snake remedies demonstrate the use of this remedy group during pregnancy, especially for uterine bleeding, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. A further case shows the effectiveness of Carbo vegetabilis for a newborn baby with acute abdominal complaints.

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Overview of this edition of spectrum homeopathy