2008 January

Periodic Table, The 7 Series of the

by jan Scholten
The Series of the periodic table are an essential tool in analyzing cases and remedies.

Figure: PS-Series

Below is an excerpt from Homeopathy and the Elements:
The seven series

In this book I will use the word ‘series’ to describe the horizontal rows in the periodic system. Every series has its own theme, its own area of problems. The word series also indicates that there is a progressive line of development from one series to the next.
For practical reasons I have named each series after its most characteristic element. You will be familiar with the term ‘Ferrum series’ from my previous book, but here I have used it in a broader context, representing all the elements of the 4th row of the periodic system, i.e. from Kali to Krypton.
The rows below Ferrum have been called Silver series and Gold series, after their most well known elements. The second series is called Carbon series, and the third Silica series.
To give you an impression of the correlation between the series I have written a brief summary below. A more extensive description will be given at the start of each chapter.

Table 1: the seven series

Figure: 7 series

Dutch:   Homeopathie en de Elementen - 1996 - ISBN: 90-74817-033
English:   Homoeopathy and the Elements - 2000 - ISBN: 90-74817-05-X
German:   Homoopathie und die Elemente - 2000 - ISBN: 90-74817-07-6

Categories: Theory
Keywords: Series, row, Periodic Table, theme.


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Posts: 6
Reply #1 on : Mon May 26, 2008, 13:38:31
And above the 7. period ? Maybe it isn't the last one ? - About 6 months I prescribe elements / compounds of elements of the (hypothetical) 8. serie / period (including analogically to Lanthanides and Actinides the „Octinides“). Thus, elements no. 119 – 121 are stages 1 to 3 of the 8. period (and of the „Octinides“ as well [?]), the „Octinides“ consist of the e. no. 122 to 135, the 8. period stage 4 to 18 are built up by e.no. 136 to 150.
(In common : Add to the number of the elements of the 7.period / Actinides 32 to get to the corresponding element of the 8.period / „Octinides“, 64 to get to the 9./ „Nonides“ and 96 to get to the 10.period and the „Decinides“.)
Since two months I use the 9.and 10.period (incl. the „Nonides“ and „Decinides“), since two weeks the 11.and 12.(with – according to kinesiological test / muscle test – a more complicated structure than 6. and 7.period). Greetings Ralf