June 2016

Panorama: seminars and books

by Editor




An insight into Plants by Rajan Sankaran

This work by Rajan Sankaran conveys the essential idea or the “sensations” of 20 plant families such as: Anacardiaceae - Cactaceae - Compositae - Fungi - Labiatae - Liliflorae - Magnoliales - Malvales - Ranunculaceae - Rubiaceae - Solanaceae - Umbelliferae.
Here Sankaran develops for the first time a kind of “periodic table” of the plant remedies, schematically arranged using a dual-coordinate system of a botanical family theme modulated by a miasm. It is already clear that this approach enables less well-known plants to be prescribed with success.

This book is a breakthrough in the homeopathic systematization of plant remedies. In its importance for a new view of the plant kingdom, it is aptly compared to Scholten’s vision of the periodic table for the mineral kingdom. Although many authors have worked previously with the concept of botanical families, Sankaran has created a new approach, which unifies the families and the miasms in one new system for the first time. He calls the theme of each plant family as a ‘sensation’, and the individual way of reaction in disease is identified with the particular miasm the patient is in. These two parameters make up the whole two-dimensional system. It is easy to apply as soon as the two parameters of sensation and miasm are understood in depth. The book contains the ‘sensations’ of 20 plant families, deducted by a unique search and sifting technique of the materia medica programs, which he describes in this book. We thus find the hypothetic themes of Anacardiaceae, Berberidaceae, Cactaceae, Compositae, Coniferae, Euphorbiaceae, Fungi, Hamamelidaceae, Labiatae, Liliflorae, Loganiaceae, Magnoliales, Malvales, Papaveraceae, Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rubiaceae, Solanaceae, Umbelliferae, and Violales.The work on this book led the author to elaborate on another multi-dimensional system. This new step is taken in ‘The Sensation in Homeopathy’.

Structure by Rajan Sankaran

With "Structure", Rajan Sankaran offers insights into the mineral kingdom. This is the second book of a trilogy, following on from the introduction to the plant kingdom. In the two volumes, he describes in detail the individual rows (series) and the various salts with case studies and a schematic overview.
“After elaborating on his kingdom idea and the sensation level, Rajan Sankaran has been consolidating these with a look into each kingdom. Structure is the second of a trilogy on the various kingdoms, the first being an insight into plants and the third being survival (on the animal kingdom).”

The scientifically intuitive case witnessing process by Disnesh Chauhan

One of the biggest achievements for a homoeopathic doctor is reaching a comprehensive understanding of his patients so that he can find a simillimum for them. And this is where the importance of case taking comes in. Dr. Dinesh's scientifically intuitive case witnessing process (a uniquely designed case taking model) helps a homoeopath reach the deepest core of the patient with relative ease. The entire process is completely scientific, human-centric, simple, and reproducible. Furthermore, anyone, be that a traditional classical homoeopath or a contemporary classical homoeopath, can make use of the CWP with ease and success.

Spectrum of Homeopathy: Palliative Homeopathy

New Issue!

The care of the dying and the incurably sick poses a special challenge for homeopaths since it requires setting aside Hahnemann’s principle of a rapid, gentle, and enduring cure in favour of other treatment goals. It is all about minimising suffering and improving the quality of life, while remaining open to the possibility of astonishing inner healing processes, which can greatly ease the transitional phase at the end of life.
As with obstetrics at the beginning of life, a modest number of remedies is  adequate for palliative homeopathic treatment for the terminally ill. Classic examples of remedies used for the dying are Arsenicum  album, Carbo vegetabilis or Opium. The areas of application for these and other homeopathic remedies for the typical psychological and physical problems of the terminal phase are exemplified in case histories of restlessness, anxiety, breathlessness, weakness, and anorexia. There is discussion on the methodological aspects in the evaluation of symptoms, potency selection, repetition, and the alternation of remedies, as well as the question of the use of constitutional remedies when the life force is almost extinguished.

Categories: Reviews
Keywords: Panorama


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Posts: 1
Paul Camo
Reply #2 on : Mon June 06, 2016, 14:05:23
Cher Paul, Interhomeopathy n'est plus publié en français. Exceptionnellement, il y aura un numéro en français au mois d'octobre.
camo paul
Posts: 3
Reply #1 on : Thu June 02, 2016, 12:51:55
Il y a plus de 1 an que je ne reçois pas INTERHOMEOPATHIE en français .
Que se passe t il????

tres cordialement dr camo Gimont