Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Jeremy Sherr: Protection From The Light Of God

The truth about Ozone and its use in Kaposi’s sarcoma.

With the help of numerous dreams from the remedy proving of Ozone, the author develops his ideas on the essence of the remedy: a barrier to the light of truth. The essence and a series of proving symptoms indicate that Ozone is related to the skin. The author has found it especially helpful in the treatment of Kaposi‘s sarcoma.

Key concepts: AIDS, cancer, dreams, genus epidemicus, HIV, Kaposi‘s sarcoma, Oxygen, Ozone, remedy proving


Jeremy Sherr: Protection From The Light Of God

Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Jeremy Sherr: Protection From The Light Of God

The truth about Ozone and its use in Kaposi’s sarcoma.

With the help of numerous dreams from the remedy proving of Ozone, the author develops his ideas on the essence of the remedy: a barrier to the light of truth. The essence and a series of proving symptoms indicate that Ozone is related to the skin. The author has found it especially helpful in the treatment of Kaposi‘s sarcoma.

Key concepts: AIDS, cancer, dreams, genus epidemicus, HIV, Kaposi‘s sarcoma, Oxygen, Ozone, remedy proving


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