Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Jens Wurster: What Needs A Healing?

The long and arduous path to the successful treatment of cancer.

The author describes his insights from fifteen years of treating cancer patients in the St Croce Clinic, illustrating his homeopathic approach with an impressive case of a young patient suffering from Ewing’s sarcoma.

Key concepts: Calcium carbonicum, cancer, Carcinosinum, chemotherapy, Ewing’s sarcoma, Phosphorus, plussing method, Q potencies, Scirrhinum, Silicea, Thuja, totality

Jens Wurster: What Needs A Healing?

Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Jens Wurster: What Needs A Healing?

The long and arduous path to the successful treatment of cancer.

The author describes his insights from fifteen years of treating cancer patients in the St Croce Clinic, illustrating his homeopathic approach with an impressive case of a young patient suffering from Ewing’s sarcoma.

Key concepts: Calcium carbonicum, cancer, Carcinosinum, chemotherapy, Ewing’s sarcoma, Phosphorus, plussing method, Q potencies, Scirrhinum, Silicea, Thuja, totality

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