2007 May

Homeopathy, exploring the bounderies

by Dr.Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy: Exploring the Boundaries
Proposition: An international dialog to exchange ideas, knowledge and clinical experiences about new developments and controversial practices in homeopathy.

Dear Friend,

Homeopathy 4 Everyone, world’s leading homeopathy e-journal, proposes to initiate a dialog on the philosophical and clinical developments in homeopathy, which have come after the time of Hahnemann.

The purpose of this dialog (not a debate or an argument) is to make available information about these developments and understand their -
   • Philosophical approach and basis.
   • Clinical efficacy and utility.
   • Scope, benefits and limitations.
   • Relation to the principles of homeopathy, as laid down by Hahnemann.

The present dialog has been initiated so that the misunderstandings and misconceptions about any method, give way to an informed opinion, increasing our collective knowledge.

We have identified the following broad areas, which need to be understood and discussed in a positive manner –

1. The concepts of core delusion, vital sensation, seven levels, miasms etc., as evolved by our colleague Rajan Sankaran.
2. Modern provings, including the provings done by our colleagues Jeremey Sherr, Misha Norland, Nancy Herrick and others. Related issues are the;
   a. Methodology and reproducibility of provings. Another related question is whether provings should be done with potencies only above Avogadro limit or not?
   b. Dream provings and Meditative provings.
   c. Provings done in one day seminars.
3. The use of unproved remedies based on periodic table or group analysis, as propounded by our colleague Jan Scholten.
4. Theory of Suppression and Theory of Acutes given by our colleague Praful Vijayakar.
5. Selecting a remedy based on Kingdom Classification. First deciding to which kingdom the patient belongs (plant/animal/mineral), then narrowing down to the genus and species which fits the picture.
6. Our colleague Peter Chappell's work on AIDS and his magnetic remedies.
7. The development and use of synthetic materia medica's and thematic materia medica's (with essence and portraits).
8. Very subjective methods of case taking and case analysis which include interpretation of a patient’s dreams and delusions.
9. Addition of clinical data and unconfirmed rubrics from modern provings to our repertories.
10. Sequential therapy (This terms refer to the treatment of specific shocks/traumas in a person's life. The traumas are identified by creating a "time-line" and then are treated in the reverse order (backward from the present, to birth/conception and into the inherited predispositions).)
11. Controversial practices that diverge from the basic principles of homeopathy;
   a. Remedies made electronically with no back potency.
   b. Use of combination remedies.
   c. Treatment through intention, like sleeping over the name of a remedy or putting the name of a remedy under a glass of water and then drinking the water.
   d. Use of pendulums and Vega machines for finding the remedy.
   e. Muscle, hair or nail testing and pupil reflex etc for finding the remedy.

We invite all the homeopaths, who have developed or who have experience in any of the above mentioned areas, to contribute to this dialog in a constructive manner by submitting articles and cases that help understand their;

   • Philosophical approach and basis.
   • Clinical efficacy and utility.
   • Scope, benefits and limitations.
   • Relation to the principles of homeopathy, as laid down by Hahnemann.

New developments since the time of Hahnemann have been discussed with much vigor, often shedding more heat than light. People have worked alone or in very small groups. Lack of knowledge has created confusion and division; in many ways, this is a natural outcome of specialization (we know more about our own work, than that of others). We are looking for a constructive dialog which will improve our understanding of all these developments, help us understand their use, benefits and limitations, and improve the harmony in our homeopathic community. Let us work together in harmony for the growth of homeopathy!

Author Guidelines:

1. One should avoid addressing all these issues in one article. If you have experience with more than one development, please write separate articles.
2. This dialog is not about people but about developments, so instead of focusing on names, please focus on the method in question.
3. If you are aware of any other new developments or controversial practices that are not mentioned in this document, you are welcome to provide us information about the same.
4. We are looking for articles that are constructive in approach and not just critical, which lay down the pros and cons of any approach without being overtly judgmental or uncivil. We do not encourage unfounded criticism or objections based on hearsay.
5. Send in your articles and cases a soon as possible. Act now!
6. You can send in the articles and cases to our editorial team at editor@hpathy.com or to;

Dr. Manish Bhatia
Director, Hpathy.com
D-6, ManoAshVilla, Prem Nagar
Khatipura Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur
India. 302012

Categories: General
Keywords: dialogue, ideas, knowledge, clinical experience, controversial practice, dialog, invitation, materia medica, Rajan Sankaran, Jeremey Sherr, Misha Norland, Nancy Herrick, methodology, reproducibility, proving, dream, Jan Scholten, Praful Vijayakar, suppression, acutes, kingdom, Peter Chappell, rubric, sequential, controversial, philosophical, scope, benefit, limitation


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Posts: 7
Reply #1 on : Sat September 04, 2010, 09:20:06
Dear Sir,
Impressive Content in your Web Magazine.