Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Guy Payen: Cancer, The Last Clue To The Simillimum

Hydrastis, a familiar remedy under a new light.

As part of long-term homeopathic treatment, the symptoms of nasal cavity cancer lead to a deep-acting remedy. With the case-taking and study of the materia medica, the author portrays the psychodynamics of Hydrastis canadensis.

Key concepts: Aloe, nasal cavity cancer, Carbo animalis, Hydrastis, leukoplakia, Masi, materia medica, Ranunculaceae, sensation method

Guy Payen: Cancer, The Last Clue To The Simillimum

Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Guy Payen: Cancer, The Last Clue To The Simillimum

Hydrastis, a familiar remedy under a new light.

As part of long-term homeopathic treatment, the symptoms of nasal cavity cancer lead to a deep-acting remedy. With the case-taking and study of the materia medica, the author portrays the psychodynamics of Hydrastis canadensis.

Key concepts: Aloe, nasal cavity cancer, Carbo animalis, Hydrastis, leukoplakia, Masi, materia medica, Ranunculaceae, sensation method

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