New Life - Spectrum of Homeopathy 01/2013
Friedrich P. Graf: Don't Make Such A Fuss!

Kalium carbonicum for prolonged labor.

The author describes the remedy picture of Kalium carbonicum, including the way these selfcontrolled people usually deal with pregnancy, birth, and associated complications. He also describes another typical reaction pattern for this remedy, found in menopause – the “second breaking of the waters”.

Friedrich P. Graf: Don't Make Such A Fuss!

New Life - Spectrum of Homeopathy 01/2013
Friedrich P. Graf: Don't Make Such A Fuss!

Kalium carbonicum for prolonged labor.

The author describes the remedy picture of Kalium carbonicum, including the way these selfcontrolled people usually deal with pregnancy, birth, and associated complications. He also describes another typical reaction pattern for this remedy, found in menopause – the “second breaking of the waters”.

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Overview of this edition of spectrum homeopathy