2010 March


by Deborah Collins and Patricia Maché

Last month, we bade farewell to Jan as editor of Interhomeopathy. To say that he will be sorely missed is an understatement. Luckily for us all, Jan will continue to contribute to this site, sharing his insights and his profound knowledge. We are all eagerly waiting for the publication of his next book on plant remedies (due out in August 2006, as he says!)

It is with a mixture of excitement and trepidation that we are taking over the role of editorship. Excitement, for this is a new challenge for both of us, which we are welcoming with passion and commitment. Trepidation, for we are well aware of whose foosteps we are following and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Interhomeopathy’s other founders, Louis Klein, Ulrich Welte, and co-editor Anne Wirtz for their dedication and time over the last four years. 

Interhomeopathy is now under the umbrella of the German publishing house Narayana. In their new magazine, Spectrum of Homeopathy, Narayana has clearly laid out its intention of presenting new developments in homeopathy alongside the insights of the great past masters. We are convinced that the lively and fertile interaction of a multiplicity of homeopathic traditions is the way forward for this healing method.” Interhomeopathy gladly embraces this pluralistic intention and will endeavor to foster its development.

We invite all of you to share your cases and insights, so that we may continue to learn from each other and create a reliable library of reference. We look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, we hope you will enjoy this issue.


Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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Posts: 5
Jan Scholten's method
Reply #2 on : Fri March 12, 2010, 14:12:36
Firstly, I would like to say how much I enjoy reading Interhomeopathy and how much I have learned.

At the moment I am living in Stockholm, Sweden where many restrictions are placed on treating patients with Homeopathy. However, I was very lucky to have trained as a classical homeopath in Dublin, Ireland with among others Declan Hammond, Jeremy Sherr, Dr. Ramankrishnan and also here in Sweden with Frans Vermuellen.

Unfortunately, we never received any training in Jan Scholten's method, which from what I have read is fascinating. Just wondering if you have any suggestions as to where I could enrol in a course, maybe you have something online, although I always enjoy the seminars.

Thank you for your time, have a nice relaxing weekend.

Sunny, snowy greetings from Stockholm!

Deirdre Mac Gowan

Posts: 5
March Editorial
Reply #1 on : Mon March 01, 2010, 14:30:26
Good luck in taking over the reins! Your predecessors have created an important resource. New ideas that remain faithful to Hahnemann's philosophy and help implement his teaching are always welcome. I enjoy reading your cases.

Alan V. Schmukler
Editor - Hpathy.com