Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Anne Schadde: A New Lease On Life

On the completeness of life: two case histories of Natrium carbonicum and Chrome tourmaline.

In both these case histories of advanced cancer, the focus is not on the pathology but on the inner experience. The process of homeopathic treatment opens important new avenues for the patients on their journey of development. Parallel to the profound inner healing, there is also remission of the tumors.

Key concepts: bronchial carcinoma, Chrome tourmaline, dreams, Natrium carbonicum, PNE tumor, sensation method, stones, Tourmaline

Anne Schadde: A New Lease On Life

Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Anne Schadde: A New Lease On Life

On the completeness of life: two case histories of Natrium carbonicum and Chrome tourmaline.

In both these case histories of advanced cancer, the focus is not on the pathology but on the inner experience. The process of homeopathic treatment opens important new avenues for the patients on their journey of development. Parallel to the profound inner healing, there is also remission of the tumors.

Key concepts: bronchial carcinoma, Chrome tourmaline, dreams, Natrium carbonicum, PNE tumor, sensation method, stones, Tourmaline

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