2006 October

Silicea, Myristica seb. Cantharis,Thuja occ., Carcin., A case of anal fistula

by Dr. Pawan Pareek
A case of anal fistula
A Young unmarried middle aged working woman, suffering from fistula in ano for the last three years. She was operated upon thrice with unsuccessful results.

• Stool started passing from the fistulous opening.
• Great weakness started.
• Patient was indifferent, anxious, but careless.
• Restless sleep with dreams about business, about disputes in her house.
• Strong family history of cancer up to 3 generations.

Homeopathic treatment
• Silicea 200 weekly at bed time was prescribed for six weeks.
• Placebo 30 TDS was prescribed although careless, patient was neither mentally satisfied nor fistula was responding well to the medicine.
• Myristica Sebifera 200 weekly at bed time was prescribed..

After four months of treatment
Fistulous opening was closed.
Stool was passing from its normal passage
Mentally the patient was feeling better.
Suddenly patient developed severe burning with difficulty in urination and with urgent desire.
Patient has to sit on the seat to strain. Cantharis 30 TDS was prescribed.
Burning in urination stopped immediatley, but difficulty in urination continued.
Patient had to strain.
Patient was sent to the Urologist for an expert opinion.

• Cystoscopy - Bladder Neck obstruction.
• Ultrasound - Multiple uterine fibroids.

Thuja occidentalis 200 every fifth day at bed time was prescribed.

After 3 months of treatment
• Urine flow was normal.
• No Straining was there but..........
• Fibroid size remain unchanged.

Lady was engaged and going to be married soon.
Lady was disinterested.
Anticipatory anxiety.
Aversion to conversation.
Tendency to suicide developed.

• Carcinosinum 1M single dose at bed time prescribed.
• Carcinosinum can give freedom to disease when nourished by generation of cancerous blood.

Dr. Pawan Pareek - Agra - India

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: anal fistula, silicea, myristica sebifera, cantharis, thuja occidentalis, carcinosinum


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Abhijit Bhattacharya
Posts: 31
piles and fisctula treatment for me
Reply #9 on : Sat January 30, 2016, 14:31:12
I am suffering from fistula with piles .Please prescribed me homoeo medocine .

Interhomeopathy is an information site, for treatment, please contact your local homeopath.
Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 11:07:28 by *  
Posts: 31
Anal fistula
Reply #8 on : Fri April 03, 2015, 07:13:00
I was operated in feb 2014 . But in sep 2014 again a boil full of pus is there on operated place . Got relief when pus is discharged
Now in April 2015 it started again
I have taken goumutra ark along with triphla guggal tablets.

Interhomeopathy is an information site, for treatment, please contact your local homeopath.
Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 10:05:36 by *  
b tiwari
Posts: 31
reg anal fistula
Reply #7 on : Sun January 25, 2015, 21:39:33
Sir I am suffering from anul fistula from last 4,years I am taking medicine myrestica s ,paeonia officinalis ,aesculous hippocastenum daily twice but yet there is no fruitful result what should I do sir please it is really embarrassing and painful plzz plzzz plzzz help sir

Interhomeopathy is an information site, for treatment, please contact your local homeopath.
Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 17:23:53 by *  
Posts: 31
suffering from anus fistula,
Reply #6 on : Tue January 13, 2015, 18:07:10
dear sir,
i am suffering from anus fistula from 3 months kindly suggest me the perfect remedy for quick relief.

Interhomeopathy is an information site, for treatment, please contact your local homeopath.

Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 19:49:15 by *  
Rana Saboor
Posts: 31
Anal Fistula for 7 years
Reply #5 on : Mon October 20, 2014, 06:51:31
Sir, I studies your a case of anal fistula and I hope that i may be advised for the same or otherwise for the treatment of my anal fistula.
I was got anal fistula in 2005 but I did not get operated upon because I was known that surgery has no fruitful results in anal fistula and only homeopathy treatment is better for this disease.
My fistula was built on the left side of rectum, which later on spread to the right leg beneath the scrotum. Now at this stage, pus & air is being passed from the opening of fistula and creating lot of pain and mental dissatisfaction.
Kindly prescribe the homeopathy remedies for me. I shall be very thankful to you for this act of generosity.

Rana Saboor
Posts: 31
silecea for ano fistula
Reply #4 on : Tue May 13, 2014, 07:04:13
does SILECEA work in low potency like 6x in ano rectal fistula or sinus please advise a combination.


Fatehyab Ali Syed
Posts: 31
Reply #3 on : Fri January 24, 2014, 12:03:53
Aloe vera: Heaviness and stricture of rectum; sensation of heat and burning in rectum; itching, pulsating in rectum, < sitting; after stool, burning weight and itching in anus; cutting as if still more would come; fullness and pressing out of the anus

therapeutic foods:
foods rich in Vitamins A, E and C
foods rich in Silicon

specific remedies:
flax seed tea twice daily
flax seed tea strained, 1/4 cup in rectum before bed as a retention enema
meat, alcohol, hot sauces, spicy foods, fried foods, fatty foods, rich foods, salty foods, coffee, caffeine, sweet foods and sugar

Posts: 31
Reply #2 on : Thu August 07, 2008, 08:35:06
Dear Dr Parik,

My husband had pain since 2004 in his left buttucks after defecation, it got severe in 2007 we consulted dr and was operated for haemoroid but pain got worse and spreaded to right side buttuck. We then consulted other Dr and was diagonosed with horseshoe Anorectal fistula which was spreaded to his scrotum area. He under went 2 more surger on right buttuck and other in scrotum but still is in great pain. He still has bulding sort of thin in his scrotum. Sometimes he gets discharge of pus with motion and get some relief in left side pain.but no idea what to do with the scrotum bulding.

We tried homeo medicine also but Dr says that scrotum bulding needs surgery only.

Please help, can this be treated with homeo.. or he need to go for another surgery (that will be his 4th one). My best regards, Saroj

Posts: 31
Reply #1 on : Sat March 24, 2007, 19:50:01
Dear Dr. Pawan,
I just read your article "October 2006 Silicea, Myristica seb. Cantharis,Thuja occ., Carcin., A case of anal fistula". I had constipation problem due to which now I have this same Anal fistula problem. In your article you mentioned Silicea 200 Weekly. My doctor advised me this med. with 10 drops every night with Paeonia 30 5 times a day both with table spoon water. Can this amount of med. bring any side effect? please reply.

Warm Regards
Shahzad Ahmed